Had an error message for 8 days

Whoops. There was an error.

There was an error processing your previous request. We have been notified and will take a look at it shortly.

That is the error message I got 8 days ago and I still can’t list anything. I’m becoming very agitated with Bonanza. I can’t ask a question to get help buzz it locked me out. I’m surprised I’m getting on here tonight. I sent them a message about a bug in hops it would get fixed but I’ve never gotten an answer so I guess they never got my message.

What’s going on? any one else having this problem. I use Safari as I have a MacBook

Prior to this happening it wouldn’t let me send my items to Ebay. They sent me some links I did them and it let me send them to Ebay. Then it also sent all my Ebay items to my crafterscorner booth. I don’t know how that happened. haven’t heard back on that either.


asked over 8 years ago

2 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

@craftgerscorner, sorry for the trouble. We have responded to your support request but I wanted to respond to your post in case others may have the same trouble. Just tested this in both environments (mac + safari + google chrome) and it worked as it should. If you are still having trouble, I suspect that it may have to do something with your ad blocker or another add on program. If you can disable, that may assist. Also if you had any recent updates to your computer that could be the issue as well. Keep us posted and let us know what you find out.

answered over 8 years ago

Support might still be having issues receiving messages. You could try the contact form at the link below to see about getting the help you need.

[URL removed]

answered over 8 years ago

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