Has anyone else come across this on bonanza?


Sometimes when I am in a seller’s booth and click on a listing, rather than getting the description of the listing the seller has done like our listings normally show, I get a picture of the item, an add to cart button, wish list, title, the price, a link for clicking on full description.

But then instead of reading the seller’s description when I scroll down, I get a populated list of similar items with some of those same items being what the seller is selling and some of them being sold by other sellers.

There are usually about 3 rows or close to that.

Specifically, the seller’s booth I was in today has no membership.

So have you all seen this from time to time? If so, do you think this is something Bonanza is testing out or has it been something that has existed for a few years now?



asked almost 6 years ago


misskeech says: September 06, 2018

Hi Sharon, No i have not seen that. But i have seen where i click on a item and a “list” of things show up, so i have to back up and do it again and its ok.

EmpressDepot says: September 06, 2018

Hi MIssKeech. We may be talking about the same thing. Weird thing is that I just clicked on the listing again and the similar items list is even longer. Tell me if you can see it when you click on this listing. [URL removed] I was looking at Halloween stuff and loved this listing.

EmpressDepot says: September 06, 2018

https://www.bonanza.com/listings/Halloween-Grim-Reaper-with-LED-Lighted-Lantern-Indoor-Home-Decor-6-Feet-Tall/[phone number removed]

EmpressDepot says: September 06, 2018

If you can see what I am seeing, notice that when you click on one of the listings, they can be for a different sellers.

misskeech says: September 06, 2018

Hi Sharon, No that is not what I was seeing, i think what i saw was like a page that did not load correctly. But wow on this link you sent! Looks like Bonz is sort of doing what ebay did, not sure I like that at all.

EmpressDepot says: September 06, 2018

I actually noticed this a few months back or a little more. At first I thought it was a membership thing but at the time I also did not realized it goes to other seller’s listings…not just the seller who is selling the item I went to the listing for in the first place.

EmpressDepot says: September 06, 2018

I do not know what to make of it. As a buyer on the internet, it would be confusing to me and a bit frustrating because it would hold me up from being able to look at the item I’m thinking about purchasing. The click details link to go to the item description is small…which is the biggest…

EmpressDepot says: September 06, 2018

reason I find that it would be frustrating for me as a buyer…because it took me a little bit to see it.

misskeech says: September 06, 2018

I agree Sharon. Not good for sellers at all.

Solace_Garden says: September 07, 2018

Ok Empress Depot, here’s what we did we followed you link (NOT signed in) and below the item, it listed similiar Items within the Bonz marketplace from other sellers. Then we followed your link (Signed in) and the same thing. I believe the marketplace shows up automaticlly.

Solace_Garden says: September 07, 2018

We had a Gold Membership Trial in the beginning and it allowed us to eliminate the marketplace and list only 10 items exclusively in ours. But it is a problem if you as a seller don’t want the competiton.

Solace_Garden says: September 07, 2018

It at least has been present since June or July that WE know of

ccmom says: September 07, 2018

yes I noticed too…and it started about a month ago or so (last site update i guess)..don’t particularly like it myself…as more go mobile it is harder and harder to find an actual description of the items

EmpressDepot says: September 07, 2018

Thank you, Solace. Now I know that this can be eliminated with a membership. Nice to know.

EmpressDepot says: September 07, 2018

You are right, Cindy. Websites for selling products are similar but they are different. I do not know how buyers are able to figure out where they are half the time.

EmpressDepot says: September 07, 2018

Like with eBay listings, sometimes links that say eBay go to eBay and sometimes they go somewhere else and yet say it is a listing from eBay….things like this are going crazy.

EmpressDepot says: September 07, 2018

Okay Cindy. For some reason what looks like my first comment to you was supposed to be my second comment and this comment I am typing now was supposed to be my third comment. So my next comment is actually the first comment I made to yours.

EmpressDepot says: September 07, 2018

You are right, Cindy. Websites for selling products are similar but they are different. I do not know how buyers are able to figure out where they are half the time.

EmpressDepot says: September 07, 2018

MissKeech, I’m almost 100% positive that I know what you were talking about last night.

SparklesJewelry says: September 07, 2018

Sharon, you mean the columns i saw on bonanza? its almost like the page didn’t load correctly, it happens quite a bit. Also the pages jump around alot. I would be pretty frustrated as a buyer here.

EmpressDepot says: September 08, 2018

Yes, I think so. It is when I click see newest listings first rather than by popularity…or maybe we are still talking about something else lol. Sometimes when I click to see the newest listings first, the page I am brought to has all of the listings on the left side in a single column. It looks…

EmpressDepot says: September 08, 2018

pretty drab when this happens. I then click back and click newest again, and the newest shows like it normally should in our booths

5 Answers

For me to pin my friends items, I have to click on the description to get the share button.
Great ideal Bonanza. :-(

answered almost 6 years ago

Sharon…Look what I found …similar to what happened to me, recently, however, there were 50 items showing, ALL were quilt patterns, my item was fabric, not a pattern PLUS, my item’s description was ’’hijacked’’ or not showing…however Tom above claims if you click on ‘’view full product details’’ you’d get to the Description. My complaint the other day was I thought this practice was rather absurd, and my questions where WHY would Bonanza DO this to either a buyer who might WANT to IMMEDIATELY See a Description of the item they clicked on and NOT see ‘’we know this is not similar to your item we just thought you’d get a kick out of it." type of absurd statement…methinks I try to think not only like a Seller, but like a Potential Buyer too…my other question was WHAT good does it do (for either buyer or seller or Bonz, itself) to hijack an item and toss in 20 to 50 OTHER items that Bonz states “is not the item or is not similar to your item, but we thought you’d get a kick out of it.” Really??? I ask…I contend this practice should be eliminated, because I can see this ticking off BUYERS and not just sellers. . .Okay, I let Go and let G_d now, Sharon! LOL! Always. . .want what IS Best for Bonanza, as well as buyers and sellers…Dee

answered over 5 years ago

1 Comment

EmpressDepot says: October 11, 2018

Me too. I wish us all the best…that one day our efforts will pay off. Thanks for posting, Dee and for being inspiring.

Looks like it is a landing page, similar to what eBay uses. It is a setting that I think can be removed for gold or higher settings, like turning off the “Search Walmart” link in listings. I just don’t know which one actually turns it off.

answered almost 6 years ago


EmpressDepot says: September 06, 2018

I wonder when this started happening…at least a few months back for sure. Maybe someone will let us know more about this.

abigdogmom says: September 07, 2018

This is sad. I left ebay over 7 years ago and do not want Bonanza to be a ebay clone.

SparklesJewelry says: September 07, 2018

I agree with that abigdogmom, i left ebay also and dont want it back here.

abigdogmom says: September 07, 2018

I venture to say this is the main reason sellers that don’t choose to have a membership do not do so well here.

SparklesJewelry says: September 07, 2018

I have heard even members with a membership dont do very well either.

Those kinds of pages are found from search results where you’re not looking for a particular seller, but instead are searching for those kinds of items. Bonanza displays one of the type of item and similar items below. However, if you click on “View full product details” that is just below the short description, you will then be taken to that particular seller’s listing page. Or, you can choose to pick a “similar” item from the landing page originally presented to you.

answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth


EmpressDepot says: September 07, 2018

I found it by clicking on a link within a seller’s post under where we can promote ourselves. The seller had the link posted. It was their item in their booth and went directly to the listing.

cshort0319 says: September 08, 2018

Can’t you opt out of that without paying a big fee to Bonanza? Seems like an infringement on your rights.

abigdogmom says: September 08, 2018

I can be logged in and go to a person’s booth, click on one of their items from inside their booth and still get a populated list of other items, usually from those with a membership. I just can’t make this feel right.

It does happen when in booth and open listings..not all the time, if there is not many items to compare, it doesn’t happen but when there are an abundance of other listings on bonz it does..

It did not happen with your LPS 1995 set and some other small vintage toys, but it did happen with this listing…took me awhile to notice the View full product details link…

This is a screen shop I took after clicking on the item from your booth page

![URL removed]

answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


EmpressDepot says: September 07, 2018

Thanks. Do you know when this started by any chance?

EmpressDepot says: September 07, 2018

I just saw your comment to my first post :)

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