Heads up on calculated shipping costs

Not a question, just a heads up to check shipping on your calculated shipping items. Make sure that you have checked boxes in your listing for which method you are using (priority, media mail, etc) as I found that when it is not checked it is taking the next lowest method for shipping and that is media mail parcel, which can make a significant cost difference. It has not just happened to me but I found with another seller as well. I’m sure it is out there with others.

asked almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 178
See Catnutti's booth


ardeeb says: September 18, 2014

Yes, it just happened to me! I had no idea this could happen, and had to ship a 3 pound item across the country for a $3 media mail shipping payment – lost about $9 on the deal and spent several hours going through all my listings trying to find all the occurrences. New ones keep showing up, though.

mirandasmemories says: November 25, 2014

I have been complaining to them about this for awhile now. No matter which method u choose, it still charges $3-4.00 for shipping. I just sold an item for $25. their shipping charged the buyer $4.13. Its $38.21 to ship 2 him! So that puts me $9.08 in the whole. THANKS BONANZA!!

3 Answers

Thank you Catnutti for the reminder
I Had this happen to me awhile ago

I think this is a good example why a
“General” Forum should be reinstated?

answered almost 10 years ago


wacathook says: September 17, 2014

The general forum is a great idea. I believe it would be used quite a bit. It would be a great resource.

Tortuga says: September 17, 2014

I agree too. We really need a general forum. It was a good source of info

ccmom says: September 17, 2014

actually general forum is still here, and would be nice to have it visible again…I do go back and read old threads once in a while

reksplace36 says: September 17, 2014

Old timers know it is still there (but useless)

Good reminder! I never had much luck with the calculator. I ended up accidentally charging someone 99 bucks for shipping on a butter dish once. I guess they must have really wanted that dish because they paid it. I decided to switch to flat rate shipping after that LOL

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 160
See Tortuga's booth

I’ve had problems with the check mark disappearing on me, in the calculated shipping, when I move down the page, while adding or editing a listing. This is with Internet explorer as the browser. I’ve tried using Google Chrome as the browser and the problem does not happen.

Also, anybody know a way to search for these unchecked shipping options? Without going through each listing?

I talked to tech support, they don’t have a solution for these problems.

answered almost 10 years ago

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