How do i void a shipping label i created here on bonanzle?

I am on a trial membership, so perhaps not all options are availble??? I can see the payment in Pay Pal, but the option to void it is not there and can’t find a place on Bonanza to void. Having trouble navigating period, new member :( Also looking for the option to remove a discount I added to all my items imported from Ebay, for some reason I have lost money on my first sale and the system created a postage label that is for a 1# parcel on a 4# package :( Experienced Ebay seller but Bonanza’s got me stumped!

asked over 9 years ago

2 Answers


answered over 9 years ago

First off, the ability to print shipping labels here is a new option, and most still just use Paypal to print shipping labels and probably don’t actually know how to void one….hopefully, someone will know…I still use pp for labels as it is still cheaper than using bonz’s shipping.

Here is the information on the shipping labels..
[URL removed]

As to the prices, it looks like you imported with a discounted can reverse that by going to

Update Items as a group
Item Basics
Set Price fill in box (select items)
Apply Changes

or it looks like a 9% decrease on the few I checked, so

Click on Apply Discount
1.111% to reverse a 10% discount or 1.099 to reverse a 9% discount

most people have a hard time with reversing %discounts and usually just update the prices..

Perhaps, next import, don’t use the %discount option until you become more familiar how things work.

Welcome to bonanza, congrats on first, sale, and sorry for difficulty
Good Luck

answered over 9 years ago

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Asked: over 9 years ago

Latest response: over 9 years ago

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