How to get paid without paypal?

Hi, i am a newbie here starting to sell but how do i get paid if you don’t have paypal account? The only option i see here is paypal or amazon? thank you

asked almost 7 years ago

6 Answers

Buyers can use PP as a payment processor for credit cards, without having an account

As a merchant to accept payments you will have to have at least a Premier PayPay account…..this cost nothing and takes a few minutes to set up

A personal account will no longer work and unless you wish to go with full bells and whistles, a business account is not necessary

You can also sign up for Amazon Pay..this takes a bit more work but it is worth it..and buyers with Amazon accounts can pay

PayPal set up here
[URL removed]

Amazon Payments
[URL removed]

You will have to use an intermediary credit card processor and our options are PP and Amazon for this site

answered almost 7 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

1 Comment

Sabrina1027 says: April 14, 2018

Great answer, thanks.

This is an official Bonanza response.

Just to echo everyone else, Bonanza has disabled the direct checkout feature to protect sellers in our community and avoid potential fraudulent activity. We hope to have this feature re-enabled when we are able to better monitor transaction security.

In the meantime, you are able to accept payments via PayPal and Amazon Payments, both of which allow buyers to use credit cards to complete their purchase. You can read more about how to set up those payment options on the following [URL removed]
PayPal —> [URL removed]
Amazon Payments —> [URL removed]

Welcome to Bonanza!

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered almost 7 years ago

1 Comment

Worth_the_deal says: August 28, 2017

Thank you for answering my question Bonananzajon

“The only option i see here is paypal or amazon?”

Yes, but You can add note that sellers can use PayPal service as a processor (free of charge), without having to open PP [URL removed] [URL removed]

[URL removed]

answered almost 7 years ago


ccmom says: August 28, 2017

that is for the buyers..who do not have a PP account

ccmom says: August 28, 2017

misread the question..thought they were asking how the seller can accept payment without an account…

You need some form of online payment processor unless you take postal money orders. Good luck with that option as it rarely exhibits sales in my experience. As earlier stated, you can use Paypal as merely a credit card clearing site without having to have funds in the account. The reality is you are an online market place and to not have an online payment option isn’t a good business policy. I’m not sure what you have in mind as other payment options, but whatever one uses, it should be one that the largest share of your potential buyers will utilize. Paypal and Amazon seem to fit that scenario.

answered almost 7 years ago

As a seller, I will only accept cash payment, PayPal is not acceptable and has been hacked before and never accept credit cards from someone you don’t know.

answered about 6 years ago

Can I sell on Bonanza with accepting PayPal. But will accept stripe and other payments methods.

answered over 4 years ago

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