Just opening a bonanza booth...not sure if i'm doing this right.

Here’s my Bonanza booth… [URL removed]

I don’t know if I have set this up right or if my items are even a good fit for Bonanza. Everything I have read talks about how easy it is to sell on here, but I think it’s very time consuming to list items and a little confusing. Is there something I’m doing wrong? I didn’t see a way to list one item in multiple sizes, so I listed each size separately. Is that the right way?

Any help would be much appreciated!!
Thank you all in advance.

asked over 10 years ago

6 Answers

Welcome to Bonanza. While the one page set up is pretty easy, I think Bonanza has a few kinks to still iron out about variations in clothing and such. Listing separately is probably the best thing you can do right now until they make it easier and more user friendly. Also, check your listings, because I have found in my lingerie store that even though I list it as a regular small or whatever, it will list junior small and regular small, for example. I have to add a line or two explaining that the only thing available is such and such. A little of a pain and confusing for the buyer, but other than that…

answered over 10 years ago

1 Comment

gioiellidesigns says: October 09, 2013

Thank you for responding. I will be sure to check my listings. I didn’t think about that.

I don’t list clothing in multiple sizes, so am not sure how that works.

Do make use of the “Duplicate” feature though, to save yourself time in making extra listings if you need to. Then you can go in and change the sizes, but not copy/paste all the other info and pics.

answered over 10 years ago


AbbysAttic says: October 09, 2013

To use the duplicate feature, go to “sell on Bonanza”. Hover your mouse over the listing you wish to duplicate and three options will appear, edit, duplicate and delete.

gioiellidesigns says: October 09, 2013

Yes, I did the duplicate listing once I figured out you could. I was just hoping I was missing something and that there was a way for variations. Thanks

Took a peek at your booth…very nice! I have found that listing different sizes is best done in separate listings here. Once in a while I will be listing an item and see that different sizes can be listed (shoes come to mind), but even then I list them separately so the buyer can easily see when their size is available. The easiest way to do the multiple listings is to use the “duplicate” link on the “add/edit items” page. That way you only need to upload pictures once and do the description once. For each duplicate listings you only need to change the size (or other variable) which is very quick and update your booth when you finish.

Good wishes on doing well here and welcome to Bonanza!

answered over 10 years ago

1 Comment

gioiellidesigns says: October 09, 2013

Thank you for looking at my booth. If there’s anything you think I should do differently, I would love to know. I can use all the feedback I can get to get started.

welcome aboard! nice booth

answered over 10 years ago

just a thought…. when you list an item or edit – maybe you could leave the “size” field blank and in your description have the sizes listed…if all your sizes of a certain ring are priced the same?
Leave it up to your buyer to determine the size to send?

I think you should always list ( description ) …“Ring” first, then actual description…gold, silver, etc. – then say..size 4 – 8 or whatever? in your TEXT description.

I am thinking that when a search is done…if you have the “ring” as the first description? where as listing a size ( first) is a bit non descriptive…as far as search???

It will also be more consistent for you to keep “rings” from other listings?

check out this as an example?
[URL removed]

answered over 10 years ago

Reputation: 42
See Mel9861's booth

Welcome to Ranch! I would suggest maybe buying a few things so that you a little bit of feedback, instead of zero. Good luck here!

answered over 10 years ago

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