Money order

Had a buyer interested in using a money order this AM. I have now set up my booth to accept money orders. What do buyers see when they pay via money order? Do they get my mailing addy or do I need to provide it? Does Bonanza instantly remove the listing?
How about your shipping times? Obviously I am not gonna ship until I receive the money order. How does Bonanza calculate your zippiness? lol

asked over 9 years ago

Reputation: 160
See Tortuga's booth
4 Answers

I’m not sure what they see, but I’ve always accepted m/o. I send them an email with my address to make sure they have it correctly. That also gives them a chance to notify you if they purchased in error or something.

Bonanza should remove it once you accept the order / invoice is sent. Once you receive the m/o, you go in and mark it as paid.

The zippiness shouldn’t start counting until the order is actually marked paid.

answered over 9 years ago

1 Comment

Tortuga says: September 24, 2014

ok, so you do get a message from Bonanza then, that there is a sale? I had an echeck once and didn’t hear a peep from Bonanza so just wanted to be sure


When a customer wants to checkout; when they get on the checkout page
they will find a box for payment choice in very light blue at the bottom left of the Pay-Pal choice.
Bonz will supply the buyer with your mailing address. It will be right on the checkout page.
The listing will not be removed until you mark it as paid.

To keep your shipping time short, do not mark it as paid until you receive the M.O.

To prevent the possibility of a double purchase I would hide the listing until you can mark it as paid.

answered over 9 years ago

1 Comment

Tortuga says: September 24, 2014

great advice! Thanks.

As Richard says…it will also show on your My Bonanza as “Approved, awaiting checkout” which essentially will change once you mark it as paid.

On the receiving end..insist on USPS money orders, you can take it straight to PO and cash it.

Personal Checks, I usually wait until they clear, unless I know the person (3-5 days) and other Money orders, deposit and wait until cleared since many can be counterfeit, because despite telling my buyers to send USPS money orders, some still send MO from other sources…

But it all depends on your interactions with the person and how comfortable you feel

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

1 Comment

Tortuga says: September 24, 2014

Ah great thanks. I was wondering how Bonanza notified you. Thanks. Good advice. :-)

Yes, ccmom is correct. I would insist on a usps money order. I have heard and read about a great deal of fraud with money orders. Its better with a USPS one, you can take it right to the post office and cash it. If by chance you get a different type of money order, wait till it clears and even then i would double check with my bank to make sure.

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

1 Comment

Tortuga says: September 25, 2014

Thanks! I had not thought about that when I discussed it with the customer. This gentleman has a good 4000 feedbacks, so I think he’ll be ok, but I will remember it for next time.

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Asked: over 9 years ago

Latest response: over 9 years ago

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