Need help identifying this kerosene lamp!

Any help in identifying this lamp, any details, what it’s worth etc would be much appreciated. I don’t know much about this type of item. The lady I got it off of said she has had it 50 years, but she also has alzheimer’s… The only markings are on the wick turner knob thingy which says… P.&A. Dorset DIV. Thomaston Conn. Thank You!

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asked almost 13 years ago

5 Answers

It appears to be an Amberina repro oil lamp and looks like it is probably from the 60’s so the lady would have been right about having it for 50 years.My brain isn’t functioning right now.Can’t come up with the names of possible makers.
You can check this one out on the “Dark side”. [phone number removed] Listed as an L.E.Smith but can’t see the pattern on yours with the posted picture to give you a pattern name.

answered almost 13 years ago

Gorgeous lamp! Great info, Vadrafthorse :)

answered almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 278
See inspired's booth

Your oil Lamp is an L. E. Smith Moon and Stars Hurricane Lamp with thumb holder, made from the 60’s to early 80’s, Amberina is the color

answered almost 13 years ago

Thank you vadrafthorse! The one you referred me to is the exact one I have. Thanks for the response.

answered almost 13 years ago

I also believe it is LE Smith Moon and Stars, 60s-80s

answered almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 774
See froggieb's booth
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Viewed: 3358 times

Asked: almost 13 years ago

Latest response: almost 13 years ago

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