Sale needs approval?

Buyers seem to not be able to buy an item without me “approving” the sale. I want a buyer to see an item and just purchase it so I don’t lose a sale. This happened recently with an international and a domestic buyer.

I’ve read multiple threads on this issue. I’ve checked all my settings as has been suggested. My shipping is all correct and shows calculated prices.

Is it something that the buyer is doing on their end?

I’m a power seller on eBay, but new to Bonanza. I really LOVE your layout and design. So clean and simple. Thanks for any help.

asked almost 10 years ago

4 Answers

this is the info i got directly from Bonanza help, i haven’t seen this anywhere in their documentation, has anyone else? it would be helpful to have known this to cut down on confusion—-

“What has usually happened in these instances is the buyer has entered Bonanza from a site that does not share the location such as a social site. So the system cannot see if the buyer is domestic or international. The system will not let the buyer checkout so the seller does not end up without the right ship charges applied to the order. Hence the system will submit as an offer so the seller can adjust the ship charges.”

answered almost 10 years ago

1 Comment

artofadornment says: April 12, 2015

Also, it seems that despite having your shipping rates set for Worldwide, they simply do not appear in the cart/checkout for some countries. I sell to Israel on Ebay quite a bit, but rates for almost all of the Middle East don’t display here even though technically they should.

There are many reasons why a purchase will come OBO (or approve sale)

1. The buyer entered an unknown or incorrect zip code, in which the the shipping calculator did not recognize and therefore could not calculate shipping. It is sent for approval so that you can examine (get in touch with buyer) to confirm address. Please note, if buyer did miss enter their zip code, it is usually easier to cancel the order and have them try again with correct address. Or, their location is indeterminant and shipping cannot be calculated
Once an address or zip is entered the system will not allow a change…so you may have to invoice, cancel or just make sure that the correct address is in the payment processor…
This is for your protection so a buyer cannot change shipping location after the item has been purchased and you end up with more shipping costs

This means any error the buyer entered..that causes a system alert, will come as an OBO for you to consider

2. The OBO (or approval) will come through if the buyer is a location that you indicated that you do not ship. The system gives you a chance to decide whether to accept a sale in a location you normally would not ship to and to adjust costs accordingly

3. The reason many get OBO’s is because USPS calculated shipping is down which with the updates of the API web tools that occurred on Sept 7, I have have seen on several boards that shipping calculators were down or not working correctly on many different sale sites. So any time paypal, calc shipping or some other payment processor or even bonz is down for or right after upgrades, the OBOs come through so that you can try to save the sale

4. If all of your purchases are coming for approval then [URL removed]
Account Settings
Seller Settings
Scroll down to Other Seller settings

When I approve an order, send the buyer their invoice automatically (don’t prompt me to review the invoice) DO NOT HAVE THIS BOX CHECKED this will allow international and domestic sales to go through if everything is correct without your approval

5. IF you want some items to be OBO and not others

Edit booth options
Purchases and Payments

Allow shoppers to negotiate and make offers (OBO)
Yes No

Mark this as yes

Then in the at the bottom of the listing(s) You do NOT want to be OBO uncheck the box next to the [URL removed]
Price Negotiable (uncheck this) and that particular listing is NOT OBO

I am also thinking due to the high cost of many of your items, there may have been an issue with the buyer’s credit card or account..and bonz wanted you give you a chance to investigate further…(this one is an assumption and not necessarily true)

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


misskeech says: September 15, 2014

Well, as far as my items go ccmom, I had #5 set up as you stated, and the bag i got an offer on today did have the box un-checked at the bottom. But an offer still came thru. So i just changed it back and ill play with it a bit more, but Bonz needs to clarify some of these settings.

ccmom says: September 16, 2014

look at the listing itself..if it has the OBO, next to the price, then they can make offer…if not then it becomes an offer if there appears to be a problem with checkout..

ccmom says: September 16, 2014

I know…some things seem counterintuitive to me…also…

Go to Edit Booth Options, click on Payments and purchases and make sure you have Yes selected where it says Allow items to be purchased immediately (“buy it now”). That should fix it.

answered almost 10 years ago


VAgeneralstore says: September 15, 2014

thanks, i already had that set to ‘yes’ and it still makes me approve sales.

SegundaVez says: September 15, 2014

If that’s the case, its time to contact the nice folks at Bonanza support. They are usually fast with responses and will get it fixed quickly.

VAgeneralstore says: September 15, 2014

thanks, i will do that.

misskeech says: September 16, 2014

I know i had mine set up like that, but still came thru with an offer.

Was the amount for the full price of your item? If they make a best offer, it will have to be approved by you before the sale….

I just had an issue today. I thought it was a straight sale. but it came to me for approval, which it was not supposed to….Then I saw that they made a offer on the item, but i did not have “OBO” checked on that item…..Now i think what is happening, is we cannot list single items with a best offer….if we have one item checked OBO, all our items are up for grabs with best offer, which I don’t think is right. So i had to go into my settings and set it to where no offers are allowed. Now i cannot even have one item with OBO. Doesn’t make sense if you ask me.

So not sure if this is what happened to you or not.

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth


ccmom says: September 15, 2014

It is not that you have the OBO checked at end of listing….it is you have to have it unchecked if you do not wish that item to be OBO..

misskeech says: September 16, 2014

Yes, i know. it was unchecked.

VAgeneralstore says: September 16, 2014

yes both sales (my first two ever on this site) were for the full price, so i didn’t think it was OBO, just a normal sale.

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Asked: almost 10 years ago

Latest response: almost 10 years ago

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