Seller ads being altered on this site hacked?

I posted this 2 wks ago and have yet to have any resolution, my original post has replies from 3 other sellers claiming the same thing has happened on their accounts(my orig post is on page 3)
I have put in a ticket to Bonanza, many of my items ( I sell toys) seem to have different titles, descriptions and photos added to the listings? My original photos are still on the ad, but other info has been inputed.. Is this a site error or was my account hacked? UPDATE on 5/30, Bonanza has dismissed my ticket and not solved this problem, are you all sending in notices that are having this??? Sellers please read your listings, look to see if your titles and descriptions are changed in some of your ads. Here is a sample ad, the photo of the toy is mine, the rest I did not write or input into my listing, its all been changed to a book with an ISBN number then at the bottom it says it was imported from an ebay acct(not mine) and links to an Xbox listing "


Title Defense (Microsoft Xbox)

About this product

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Product Information

Title Defense is a realistic boxing simulation with a complex physics system. There are over 5,000 polygons involved in each character, giving you that real character look in the game. The game includes four modes of [URL removed] exhibition, shadow, tournament and manager. Exhibition allows you to practice against a sparring partner of your choice. Shadow mode allows one person to replay a 2-player bout. Tournament allows you to work your way up in ranks. Manager is a mode with some thin details at this time. It is said to allow the player to take on duties of being the trainer type of coach to one of the [URL removed]
[URL removed]

asked about 8 years ago

2 Answers

my advice…put it on reserve for support if they need it for reference… and make new listing…it seems to be an import error…and the only fix probably is to delete..and redo listing

answered about 8 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

1 Comment

savethetoys says: May 31, 2016

I havent deleted the ads as I want them to be able to see them before doing anything, just interesting I reported earlier and nothing was said to me and my ticket was marked DONE when they said they were escalating it

It appears that the problem has been taken care of, although the items cannot be restored and have to be deleted and re-listed. I had four items with the same problem. I agree that everyone should check their listings to make sure it has not happened in their booth. The last response from support I received states…

“The issue will not happen again. It was due to a necessary change for CSV files. With the information you sent in it was caught as soon as released and fixed. The listings that should not be in your booth, need to be deleted. There isn’t a way to revert the listings. I am really sorry for the trouble. I know it is inconvenient and a hassle. Sending all the info to support like you did so quickly caught the error quickly so it could be fixed.

answered about 8 years ago

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Asked: about 8 years ago

Latest response: about 8 years ago

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