Shipping cost in the uk

just joined added some items all looking good,set item to only sell in my country (UK) for now till i get to gripps with it, but when you come to purchase my item the price is right but the shipping cost is £40.40 to uk but as said i am in the uk, most of my items are free postage so that should say free or 0 i have set the shipping details to free but i think this only relates to within the us, so it would seem i would be shipping items to the us for free from the uk but paying to ship them in the uk and of course who is ever going to pay 40 pound for a 5 pound item to be sent to them in the uk when they live in the uk? any ideas on how to change this please

asked almost 6 years ago

3 Answers

Since everything is set up from the ‘point of view’ of being in the US..You will have to set your shipping up in Batch Edit

Batch Edit

First off Clear both the domestic shipping prices (this means US shipping… in your case it is international)

Though this shows that shipping to US is Free when the item is put in the cart, there will be a message
The seller requires that they approve this order before you can complete your purchase. meaning that they cannot purchase the item unless the seller approves the purchase. This will give you the opportunity to add US shipping costs, send message to buyer that you do not ship to US or just to deny the sale out right.

Clear the International Shipping prices..(this means International to US..but domestic to you…this will clear the prices set up in UK).

Then you can select International Shipping service You will have to use Flat Rate costs, since bonanza does not have the ability to use UK postal calculated shipping.

Select the Flat Rate add in costs
Select United Kingdom
Select items
Click on Apply Changes

I would log out of your account and then play with adding items to the cart to see if it works (also try pretending to be a US buyer…use a US zip code to see if the message appears in the cart)

Here is a thread with screen shots that may help…showing someone else how to set up costs from their location

answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

What a load of rubbish, why don’t you get your act together and make this site work for everyone instead of USA only, its horrible to use if your outside the USA. its 2019 pull your finger out and stop with this crazy BS

answered over 5 years ago

As an exporter I really needed to know the shipping cost in UK and you have mentioned everything that I wanted to know about it. Now I can do my business as I have total information about shipping and how to do it. But now I have to visit [URL removed] website to read authentic reviews about the writer who will help me in my research paper.

answered almost 3 years ago

Reputation: 12
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Viewed: 1330 times

Asked: almost 6 years ago

Latest response: almost 3 years ago

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