Shipping scales?

I usually haul my bottom to the PO Office to mail packages but I am thinking about using the postage option through Bonanza which means I need a scale. Anybody have a recommendation for a brand? I see a zillion ones online. Need something that is accurate so I don’t under/over pay shipping but also affordable. I’m a broke ’lil Tortuga and some of those scales cost a mint

asked almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 160
See Tortuga's booth


Galorium says: August 13, 2014

I’ve had years of trouble-free service from my WeighMax 75lb postal scale.

Tortuga says: August 13, 2014

Just spied that one online for about 20 bucks…sounds good

loves_birds says: August 15, 2014

WeighMax 75lb postal scale is what we use, too. Love it!

7 Answers

Just go to the PO and buy their small one (or USPS online shop)…I have used it for years

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answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 3068
See CindyBear's booth

If you buy a one-piece unit, which most are, make sure it has a Hold button so you can read the weight after you have removed the package.

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 276
See sheepish's booth

1 Comment

Tortuga says: August 13, 2014

hold button ok….i’ll watch for that thanks

I bought mine for about $35 4-5 years ago. If you leave the package on the scale for more than a few seconds, it automatically locks the weight in (like the hold option sheepish mentions, above). It’s been worth everything I have paid for it. The savings in postage by printing labels yourself over having to pay retail at the PO pays for the cost of the scale faster than you’d ever realize.

answered almost 10 years ago

Using PELOUZE PS20DL (has a hold button, change to kilogram, add insurance etc. etc.)
I have it since many years, totally happy with it.
It’s essential for online sellers.
Highly recommended!!

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 869
See BlueBoy's booth

1 Comment

ToysAndTreasures says: August 14, 2014

$70 on the river, with a 20 pound capacity. Wouldn’t be my first choice…

I use an Accuteck AST85C. It is spot on for weight, has a hold button, and a flip up panel to help balance floppy things on the scale. It has been running on its original 9 volt battery for months now, although it did come with an AC adapter. It’s on the river for $24.20.

By the way, if you choose a scale without a hold button, you can still see the weight after you remove the item with a little trick. Just tare the scale with the package on, and then when you take it off, the reading on the scale will be the negative weight of the package (instead of zero).

answered almost 10 years ago

Thanks Everybody. You gave me a lot of ideas. I got to wait until I get paid in a week, then I’ll pick one up! :-)

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 160
See Tortuga's booth

if you dont ship very large things you should consider a food cooking gram scale.
then u can bake cookies and mail packages.

you then also want to consider printing your own postage stickers

you want AVERY 8126

sometimes office depot has a sale and u can get them for cheap

answered almost 10 years ago

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