Sure wish i would sell something.

I have sold only 2 items since I became a member of bonanza in October. This is really disheartening. I just knew things would be better here. I did good with e-Bay, but they have gone nuts over there. Always changing the rules. Any advice? Yes I have advertised reached out to social media and etc.

Thanks! And by the way HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL.

asked about 8 years ago

Reputation: 15
See canchl's booth

1 Comment

EmbellishMart says: May 09, 2016

This listing of a set you put together is very [URL removed] @item288728231 . Make more sets like this and promote your sets. It’s different and gets attention. People are looking for different.

5 Answers

I really wish there was something more to say. Your items are in google shopping, your booth comes up in google searches….but unfortunately people will have to use google shopping or google organic to find your items and personally, I think that those looking for patterns and such will probably go to ebay or etsy, without bothering to use google shopping

Though I know of a few sellers here who do pretty well with patterns, I know they struggled for a while to get established. And things are hard for booths that have less than 100+ items

The only thing I can say, is if you have a facebook business page, use the FB app to put your items there..which will link directly back to the listing here, and if you have a twitter account, tweet heavily to get strong links back to your booth. Another option is ….send emails to some previous customers from ebay and give them an incentive to buy here and not there… (I am sure you can go to your paypal account and check your previous transactions for emails)

Good Luck

answered about 8 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

1 Comment

canchl says: May 09, 2016

Thanks for the info. I have a FB account I will check out the business page.

Hello [URL removed]

You could share links in your listings to Youtube videos on how to use patterns, for those who would buy a pattern, but don’t know how to use them. If you know how to sew, you could share sewing tips, with links to your sewing products, in social media/blogs. In doing this you are offering some related value to your products and drawing attention to yourself. These are long-term promotional activities that build your reputation.

If you’re in it for the long-haul, then you have to consistently change things, add and delete, upgrade and re-design, alter and adapt your business practices.

Good luck!
“Embellishments for your crafting, your space & you!”

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered about 8 years ago


ccmom says: May 09, 2016

that’s a good idea…didn’t think of it but then I kind of neglected my blog..really should get back to that

canchl says: May 09, 2016

Thanks for the info. I don’t know how to sew. These were my aunts who has passed.

EmbellishMart says: May 09, 2016

CCmom, I would like to blog more, but just don’t have time. So much to do, so much that is necessary, so little time!

EmbellishMart says: May 09, 2016

[URL removed] Even more of a reason that you could learn to share Youtube links. You’ll learn and grow as you choose the avenues that best suit you.

Yes, ccmom is correct. Unfortunately, the first stop for almost anything someone will make is ebay, etsy or amazon. Our bonanza items will be found if they cannot find the item they are looking for on those sites, so they will google the item, and fingers crossed, our items here on bonanza will show up, OR if they want to do a price comparison and one of our items come up…One reason i always list my items a bit lower here on bonanza, so if someone is doing a price comparison, mine will show up lower than the other sites and hopefully the buyer will purchase my item. Hope you had a beautiful Mothers Day also.

answered about 8 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth


canchl says: May 09, 2016

Thanks for the info. I may try etsy. E-bay has about gone to the dogs.

ccmom says: May 09, 2016

stay with free membership and list also on etsy…time may help you here, but you may find a more responsive audience on etsy

MomentsInThyme says: May 09, 2016

Etsy would be a great place for all the patterns. There are lots of crafty sellers there as well as buyers who sew looking for unique patterns. Good luck!

misskeech says: May 09, 2016

Yes, why not stay here on bonz also. its free, you can list as much as you want., but still sell on other sites also. And when you get a sale here, consider it a plus!

If you think ebay has gone nuts then add some bananas to that if you are on your way to etsy. If you like roller coaster rides you will be happy there. If you like constant change with no explanation then etsy is the right place for you. If you like being a lab rat then you will love it there.

answered about 8 years ago


canchl says: May 09, 2016

Already sold two item on etsy. Just joined earlier today. How about that??

misskeech says: May 09, 2016

Now StarletVintage, that was a bit harsh, I thought you were talking about Ebay!! Lol. Them, yes…Etsy has its problems lately, but nothing not anywhere as bad as ebay! Lab rats LOVE ebay! lol

StarletVintageJewels says: May 10, 2016

I did not think I was harsh at all. My sister has been selling there for 5 years.

StarletVintageJewels says: May 10, 2016

canchl new sellers do better on etsy because they want to hook you in. Your listings will be higher in search.

StarletVintageJewels says: May 10, 2016

I thought I was being kind.

Here’s my rant.

I am also at the same place. I do pay for silver membership, however, my selling rate here on Bonanza is 1 to 60 or even 100 comparing to eBay. Here I get a sale once in a month or two, rarely several sales a month. I really want this place to pick up, but no matter what I do nothing picks it up.

Other thing is almost all of my clients are new one-time users, which means they don’t even bother to leave feedbacks. Reaching out doesn’t work, since they never check in again…

answered about 8 years ago


misskeech says: May 10, 2016

What people dont understand is this is NOT ebay! Ebay is a 1st stop for most people and if they find what they are looking for they go no further. This site is STILL worth being here.

StarletVintageJewels says: May 10, 2016

I am not having much luck here neither abgrizzli. I have been promoting through the advertising level at 19% and still nothing. Yet I sell great on other sites.

abagrizzli says: May 10, 2016

misskeech – people do understand it, but people want first of all get at least some results from membership fees, and people want to sell. People don’t understand, why Bonanza does wrong, so most of sellers here have low to zero sales. If I make 20 sales a year for let’s say 300 bucks, but paid 120

abagrizzli says: May 10, 2016

but paid 120 bucks for membership – what does it leave me with? Sounds like somebody’s not doing it right here, and this is obviously not the seller.

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