Thinking of starting on bonanza

Hi everyone, I’m looking to transition over from Ebay, I have a couple questions as to doing so. And I appreciate your help in advance.

1. When first opening an account on Bonanza do you recommend starting right off with an advertising package?

2. When importing listings from Ebay, can you change the prices of them on Bonanza vs Ebay or do they have to stay the same?

3. What are your experiences regarding sells on Bonanza?

Again thanks and I appreciate your time….and I hope to have success on Bonanza.

asked over 7 years ago


FrogAndBearCreations says: December 20, 2016

be prepared to do a lot of promoting your booth for sales

silkundershop says: December 21, 2016

frogAndBearCreations is correct! you need alot of promoting too get sales

8 Answers

I would for sure start out with a free booth to begin with. See how you are doing in 6 months or so, and if you are doing well, then you may want to try an paid advertising package thru bonanza. I would however make sure you pick a advertising level of at least 9% which you dont pay upfront for till you make a sale, then it is added as a final value fee. (see below for info)

Once you open your booth, then pick the advertising level…Go to “Selling” then “Advertising” there you will see different levels to choose from. Pick at least the 9% option since that will assure you are seen in Google shopping. With the economy level, you are only seen on Bonanza I belive. And again, you are NOT charged for this till an item sells.

Also, make sure you collect your daily 10 “Reward points” you are alloted 10 per day. (occasionally bonanza will give you more for certain things you do on Bonanza) When you save 500 of them, you can turn them in towards your bill and receive $1 off of your final value fees after you sell an item/items.

answered over 7 years ago

Welcome to Bonanza.

1. I would start with the 9% advertising option, but leave out the monthly membership until your business gets grounded and/or you want the extra features that memberships offer. The 9% advertising option will list your items in Google Shopping. More than 90% of my buyers get to me by finding my items in Google’s Shopping database. IMO, that is absolutely necessary. Of course, higher advertising rate (13%, etc.) will get you exposed to more buyers. Be careful that your advertising isn’t eating all of your profits.

2. Yes, you can change your Bonanza prices. You can do them individually or use the Batch Edit Items feature to change the prices. Alternatively, you can tell Bonanza to discount your prices during the eBay importation. You can set that percentage to whatever you’d like.

3. Nothing but positive experiences. Friendly site, great customer service, and helpful sellers.

answered over 7 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

1 Comment

amfbestdeals says: December 20, 2016

Thank you for the advise and the warm welcome!!!!

good advice offered here

I would like to [URL removed]

Read the information
Experiment with the batch edit
Learn the how the editor/batch edit work/ and it’s advantages as well as it’s limitations

Read and ask questions and understand how the adverising levels and FVF fees work and how they are tied together

Go to google merchant center, read the feed rules, make sure your listings comply and follow google’s rules (like no all caps)…this will help later trying to pinpoint errors in your listings if you have some

Realize that unlike ebay (and this is not ebay…don’t expect it to work the same way), buyers in general do not come here to search for items, the items are usually found doing internet searches (google organic, google shopping, bing, yahoo, social media links, etc) so following listing rules and guidelines..especially to show in google is a must….

answered over 7 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

Hello [URL removed]

Can only address one question, 1. When first opening an account on Bonanza do you recommend starting right off with an advertising package?

I suggest starting with the free booth, which is what every seller begins with, even if they don’t stock it, but choose to start with a subscription or web store instead. I also suggest waiting on the advertising package until you get your booth stocked to a good # products, maybe like 50-100, or less. You decide what is a reasonable # of products that would interest visitors, and give a well-rounded idea of your skills and capabilities. Of course, if you download from eBay, you’ll do that very soon depending on how many products you have there.

I still use my free booth, because I am not yet a high-volume seller, and I chose to move up to the 9% advertising level, after being here a few months, so that my products would be shared in the Bonz Marketplace and at Google. You don’t have to wait until you are a high-volume seller though, before moving up to a subscription or web store. That is just what works best for me.

Good luck to you!
“Embellishments for your crafting, your space & you!”

answered over 7 years ago

I sell on Ebay and here Bonanza. I started here with free booth but started with in a month at 13% advertising then bumped it up to 19%. I stay pretty busy with that and average about the same daily sales as I would get on Ebay. I do wish they had a customer service to call like Ebay. Sometimes it might take 1-2 days to get a question answered when I email support however if you pose the question here in comments someone from bonanza quickly responds and tries to help so that has been nice. Very friendly here…. I do wish they would incorporate some templates for sellers that we might use to showcase our listings better and in a better way buyers can read and understand what they are buying. I do like the free booth then only getting charged when I sell as opposed to Ebay store fees whether you sell or not. Good luck and welcome!

answered over 7 years ago

Thank you all so much for taking the time to answer my questions, I’m a fairly experienced seller on Ebay with currently around 900 listings and averaging a couple sells a day, but I’m being killed by Ebay and Paypal fees even with the Top Rated Seller Discount. I will slowly begin to check out Bonanza and see how things go….Happy Holidays everyone and Good Luck selling!

answered over 7 years ago


tomwayne1 says: December 20, 2016

The FVF seller fees won’t be that much different if you opt for the 9% advertising rate. However, not having to pay every 30 days to re-list an item (at 20-30 cents per item) is what will save you the money.

tomwayne1 says: December 20, 2016

Plus, Bonanza is much easier to use and a friendlier place to sell.

amfbestdeals says: December 20, 2016

Right now, I pay a monthly subscription fee to Ebay for $74.95 plus additional FVF and paypal fees.

EmbellishMart says: December 21, 2016

You are very welcome!

silkundershop says: December 21, 2016

Former Ebayer also T.R.S with PayPal,and Ebay’s fees plus subscription fees had me at $200.00+ a month in total. you wont be paying that here.

The fees when you sell on Bonanza appear to be higher than Ebays even with basic rate so it will be much higher if you add the additional 9 percent.

answered over 7 years ago


amfbestdeals says: December 20, 2016

Are you saying that Bonanza fees are higher than Ebays fees??

ccmom says: December 20, 2016

no they are not…but if opt for like 30% advertising they can be pretty high…but that level of advertising should really on be used for extremely high vol sellers

ccmom says: December 20, 2016

hence my recommendation of studying the advertising set up and how it is linked to fvf…

amfbestdeals says: December 20, 2016

fantastic thank you, once I seem to have everything imported and properly setup I will start looking into the advertising side of things. I appreciate your time and advise!!! THANK YOU!

FrogAndBearCreations says: December 21, 2016

there are a lot of people who will promote your booth and items on social media sites for a small cost and its very much worth it

Because there is no internal traffic here you have to pay so much MORE than Ebay and Etsy. I only get views when I post a listing to social media.

Sellers pay more for less on here.

answered over 7 years ago

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