Top rated seller seals on ebay imported listings?

Thank you Bonanza. I see I’m one of the few listings on various game titles that do not have a TRS seal as I do not import from Ebay. Why would you click on mine? Do you think Bonanza would mind if I, where applicable, put the following in my [URL removed] Please contact me. I can sell this for less money on Etsy or Ecrater as my overall FVF is far less.

asked about 8 years ago

Reputation: 276
See sheepish's booth
5 Answers

Saw that…someone who imports from ebay has absolutely no bonz sales is top rated seller…

And those of us who have been here just about since the beginning and have several hundred-or thousands of sales (one who has over 20,000) and does not ‘do ebay’ gets nothing…hardly seems fair…

answered about 8 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


misskeech says: May 08, 2016

Not fair at all. And rather strange to me anyway, that I never saw this seal before, only recently, and i used to be TRS when i imported my items quite some time ago, yet back then, i never received the seal either. Agreed, not fair at all.

ccmom says: May 09, 2016

I imported from ebay in 2009…and devoted all my energies to make this site work and never bothered with ebay again, no to sell, buy or anything except price check….oh well….

sharsgiftmart says: May 09, 2016

I agree that it’s not fair. I do import my eBay items, but because I list 3 day shipping and not one day shipping, I am not a TRS. Bonz should not be using ebay’s TRS seal. I’ve been a member for 8 years and have lots of sales, and I am a pro member, but it looks like that doesn’t count. It makes it

CraftPatch says: November 27, 2017

Totally agree! …. it’s not “seems fair” it IS NOT fair and I’m not a big seller. Why should ebay sellers get preference!

There was an earlier posting about this topic that you may want to read.

[URL removed]

answered about 8 years ago


sheepish says: May 09, 2016

I had already read it. Still waiting for Bonanza’s justification.

misskeech says: May 09, 2016

I read it also. Still does not seem correct, as I listed mine long ago when I was TRS and i never received the seal either. They may as well make this site ebay, if they are now sending over ebays trs seals. Bonz. admin should focus on this site, not ebay as much as they do.

I agree that it’s not fair. I do import my eBay items, but because I list 3 day shipping and not one day shipping, I am not a TRS. Bonz should not be using ebay’s TRS seal. I’ve been a member for 8 years and have lots of sales, and I am a pro member, but it looks like that doesn’t count. It makes it look like the only way to look successful on Bonz is to be successful on ebay!!

answered about 8 years ago

I agree with you guys. I have been around here mainly since the beginning. Me, personally, I no longer sell on Ebay, I just sell solely on here and have done fairly well. I don’t want to potentially lose sales just because I am not on Ebay, so therefore I am not considered a Top-Rated Seller and don’t have the “seal”. This is Bonanza, this is supposed to be different from the ordinary…..

answered about 8 years ago

I started to notice the banner as well which showed up on my hand picked list. I have been here since October, 2012 and have had hardly any sales, I don’t want to return to ebay where I came from as I am working on always moving forward here. I love our Bonanza Community. I come here each and every morning to educate myself and now and then if I can answer a question I do. Even though I have had only 9 sales I know the time and effort it takes to list and to process a sale. I appreciate all the sellers here because I am one myself. The sellers here who have been here from the start who have the sales deserve to earn the banners and I am not including myself in the equation. Have a blessed day. Sending warm wishes of encourgement to everyone here. Rita at MomentsInThyme

answered about 8 years ago

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Asked: about 8 years ago

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