Traffic anyone??

Has something changed here? I had an open shop 1-2 years ago with less than 1/2 the amount of items I added now and still got views and sales at free level. I see some changes and need to pay more…okay so I selected 9% level nothing…..upped it to 30% for a week…nada…added turbo traffic….generated a couple of views a day, but no sales…what gives? I check google shopping and nothing from bonanza…use to see it regularly a few years ago, but now only my other sites/venues I sell on show up there despite choosing that feed here too. I do great daily sales on other unnamed sites. I was considering a plan gold..platinum, but thought I would trial the site again first and it’s not looking worth the investment so now hesitant to do so. It seemed really promising a few years ago when I dipped my toes here. What am I missing? Any advice.

asked almost 6 years ago


abigdogmom says: July 12, 2018

Traffic is slow and I would recommend sticking with the free booth at the 9% level to get into Google and promote your items everywhere possible.

sasswbe says: July 13, 2018

Use to be better when it was Bonanzle. Too many changes that don’t do any good. I use to get more sales when I took checks or mo and that is all I take on my website which gets more sales then here.

8 Answers

I used to sell on eBay myself before the fees & customer service became ridiculous. Been with Bonanza for many years and yes, this is a different animal. You cannot just list your item and expect it to sell itself, here you have got to put the time in. I add new items daily, promote daily on social media, any sales from my other sites get redirected here, coupons, discounts, sales etc. If you think of this like the others, you will fail here. This being my main site I do ok but I do sell on about 5 other venues as well. As of this year sales for me have been very good doing anywhere from 10-15 sales a months. But, as I said this site is all about us, if we fail it is our fault. You will find the customer service and other sellers here are great compared to the big boy sites. Plus, as you know summer is very slow for online sales so give it a few months as the holidays are getting closer, I look at this time as gearing up for them.

answered almost 6 years ago

I was gone for about 2 years, came back in January 2016 some time, first year back my booth was on reserve for much of that time. I’m on reserve now spending time with family and catching up offline with life details.

My booth has been a work in progress in 2018 adding my listings.

Before I left sales were better. Now I’ve been trying to add a variety of products in the mix of what I like to always carry. Seems to help a little. Sales still slow. June was better but three-quarters of the way through no more sales came in. If June is any indication on how sales will start to go though, Yes, it is a viable place for me to sell on.

Hoping to see a decent improvement in the few months preceding the holiday season.

My sales have come from Google shopping, none from Bonanza. I’m not happy about this. I think our search box needs improvement. It’s not good to search for “Gerrys vintage” (this is a jewelry designer) only to get back less than half the listings that are actually for sale on Bonanza just because I left the apostrophe out of the word Gerrys. The original manufacturing name is actually Gerry’s with an apostrophe.

Also not good to search for something and then a word I did not type to show up in Bonanza’s search box.

So this would help I feel if the search function on Bonanza was in better shape.

With this said, I’m super happy about how Bonanza works hard to have our listings show up in Google shopping. I’ll not go into how they work hard on this because I have to get off the computer now but they do.

answered almost 6 years ago

I’ve seen Bonanza ads in a few places online targeting sellers, but I’ve never seen a Bonanza ad targeting buyers. I’m not saying Bonanza has never put out ads to get us buyers, just saying I’ve never seen one.

Search here disturbs me at times, I have literally entered in the exact title of a few of my items and received search results with up to 6 items NOT mine or even near my title before my item appears.

answered almost 6 years ago

When I do promote on my own, it is pointed to my own website for the effort. I would just expect some level of built in traffic here for the percentage cut of sales and services I pay for to promote within this site or for the extra services purchased. Like on sites like Etsy or Ebay or Amazon. Or, is Bonanza a different animal? Just trying to figure out how to make it work here too.

answered almost 6 years ago

I do a lot of social media advertising and also the 9% for google shopping..

You are right…bonz used to be up there in google shopping years ago, but barely have any standing at all now…

Through social media, I got over 7450 item views, 83 bonanza advertising views in the last month..and 2 sales..

People just aren’t buying from here like they used too…

and yes I also have my own store not associated with Bonz/or any other site…same thing…10000+ views and no more than 6-15 sales/month

So it is not the traffic, I got plenty of it…and my pricing in most cases is competitive

…truthfully, I feel amazon is taking over the internet

answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


EmpressDepot says: July 12, 2018

From what I remember, Amazon does not advertise in Google shopping, right?

EmpressDepot says: July 12, 2018

Oops. Yes, Amazon is in Google shopping.

CindyBear says: July 12, 2018

amazon opted out of google shopping…said they would not pay…and they are not in the Google product search but they are the almost always the first in google organic…even though they would not pay to be listed in google shopping, they drop big bucks on google ads

EmpressDepot says: July 13, 2018

I’ll have to look more. I did happen to run into a listing from Amazon on Google shopping, so if they are now in there perhaps this may explain some for the slower sales…

loves_birds says: July 13, 2018

I agree, ccmom. I think even eBays days are numbered. Amazon is becoming the hands-down go-to place, like it or not. I have no crystal ball, but in the not-too-distant future an Amazon/Google merge could happen (if the government allows it).

I hate AMAZON!!

answered almost 6 years ago

1 Comment

EmpressDepot says: July 12, 2018

Same here. Was contacted about 2 years ago through my website and was told I could sell in any category. I did not like it. I’d mention something else about how UPC codes are done on Amazon, but I’ll keep it to myself. Let’s just say big sites get away with a lot.

I am new to bonanza 3 weeks and I have had steady views 3-4 per day but from last three days zero views, Don’t know what just happened no clue

answered almost 6 years ago

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Asked: almost 6 years ago

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