Trying to find the ebay importer

I want to import some of my eBay listings.

But search gives me nothing when I look for that function. If I come here, I see threads about import problems.

Could someone give me a clue where the eBay importer ‘lives’? I know I’ve seen it….


asked almost 7 years ago


GreenGrandma_Vintage says: September 09, 2017

OK – stumbled across it.

MarieADawson says: September 10, 2017

Seller dashboard>Drop down menu>Click import from Ebay>follow instructions

4 Answers

But wouldn’t you think search would have given me something??? Sheesh.

answered almost 7 years ago


Once_Again says: September 09, 2017

Depends on the search you are in help or search in items for sale (upper right corner)

ArtistsUnion says: September 09, 2017

When You are on this [URL removed] [URL removed] use the second search box, which is below on the picture and You can see this sentence there “Search help topics”.

went to help and put in ebay importer

[URL removed]

answered almost 7 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

On this page [URL removed] use the second search box, which is below on the picture and You can see this sentence there “Search help topics”.

And here You can import Your items from [URL removed]

answered almost 7 years ago

If you are doing it on desktop or laptop
See on left top SELLING
using your mouse put cursor on selling and drop down menu will open for you
10th from the top is saying import from eBay

answered almost 7 years ago

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