What's the procedure for items damaged in transit?

I’m the seller. The buyer says item was broken in transit. How do I send a return shipping label?

asked over 5 years ago

2 Answers

ccmom’s answer is a good one, but let me add this information to the [URL removed]

As a seller, you have an obligation to get an undamaged item to the buyer. In fact, legally, buyers don’t even have to purchase insurance. That would fall upon the seller if the seller wanted to protect him/herself from damage or loss of the item. These kind of issues fall under most payment processor (like PayPal) rules. Basically, as a seller, if you don’t get an undamaged item to the buyer, it is your fault. Why? Because the buyer did nothing wrong and should not suffer any loss in the transaction.

However, the seller certainly should ask for proof that the item is broken or damaged prior to sending any refund to the buyer. Do NOT refund without seeing some proof that the item is damaged/broken. If you do want the item back, it is your responsibility to pay for return shipping. Again, the buyer should not be out any money for something that is not their fault.

As a side note, if the buyer states that the item was “lost” in the mail and tracking information shows that it was delivered, then you will be protected by PayPal, etc. if you sent the package to the address that the payment processor told you to use. It’s amazing how many “lost” packages show up a few days later after buyers are told that tracking shows it was delivered. I tell them to check with their neighbors, ask family members, look under the porch, etc. Hmmm… the package mysteriously shows up. Fortunately, I’ve only had that happen a handful of times out of thousands of packages delivered.

answered over 5 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

I would go to paypal, find the invoice, create the return label and send the label as pdf, through paypal or some other file to the buyer…your choice/option

Or ask for pictures, and then confirm damage and refund…it really is entirely up to you how you handle your customer service.

If it is something that would cost more to return do the 2nd option

Bonanza lets you set your own rules of returns, return shipping, and refunds..as long as it it is clearly stated and is fair….

answered over 5 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


EmpressDepot says: November 07, 2018

Thanks, Cindy. I never knew we could go in and do a return label on a purchase. Is this something Paypal added since I do not recall them having this future before…or is it something I missed and Paypal has always been doing this?

EmpressDepot says: November 07, 2018

Feature I meant…not future lol.

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