Why is bonanza discontinuing the global shipping service ??

What does this mean in your emailed letter?..
“We chose to discontinue because the service wasn’t consistently making the lives of our sellers easier.”

asked about 7 years ago

6 Answers

“The service wasn’t consistently making the lives of our sellers easier” maybe means it was a pain in the keister for sellers and therefore the same for Bonanza. Though it says it will be automatically deactivated at some point, you can go to your booth settings and under “shipping & Returns” deactivate it. Chalk it up to “We tried that and it wasn’t so hot.” :)

answered about 7 years ago

Topic says global shipping service…. I never used it myself as I only ship USA

answered about 7 years ago

“the service wasn’t consistently making the lives of our sellers easier”

sounds like the reason

Had several inquiries myself, but the global was costing buyers more than just straight up international shipping…which is high enough as it is without having to also pay an intermediary

answered about 7 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

What was discontinued?

answered about 7 years ago

1 Comment

achobbies says: March 28, 2017

The Global shipping service.

They use the same format for international shipping on ebay, and it works over there. I dont know what the difference was for it over here.

answered about 7 years ago

Wow, this is really disappointing!
I thought Bonanza offering Global Shipping was brilliant.
Didn’t even get an e-mail about it being discontinued.
I was updating my shipping information today and was looking for it in my account settings, then tried searching it in the knowledge base and could not find it.
But I completely understand why Bonanza would discontinue it. I imagine that there was some cost involved with Pitney Bowes to offer it, which is the same company that provides it for eBay. I also imagine that because Bonanza doesn’t have international platforms in other countries which is why it works well for eBay, that here on Bonanza it was being under utilized for the costs involved in offering it.

In my thoughts, it was never visible on Bonanza and should of had a more prominent location or its own page in the seller account settings.

Again, disappointed it’s been dropped – Bonanza was the only place I was offering International Shipping since I stopped offering it on my eBay account. I was hoping it would help boost sales here.


answered about 7 years ago

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Asked: about 7 years ago

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