Will google block you from being searchable for having double listings on ebay and bonanza?

I was told and read somewheres that Google will block your items in the booth from being searchable if you have them posted on both sites. If this is true, how and what are my options to resolve it? I remember when I first started my booth it said something about shutting some sort of feature off on Ebay. Can someone please shed some light on this for me? Thanks

asked over 9 years ago

2 Answers

Technically, they do not block you from being searchable, but they can suspend your feed to Google Shopping (Google product search GPS)

Yes, google can suspend your feed for duplicates or duplicate feeds from different sites and they did often, when the feeding to google shopping was free. As to if that is still true for paid ads, I cannot give you a definitive answer. I haven’t found one, since it appears there is quite a bit of duplication in google shopping now, but

Google now appears to be more interested in duplicate content these days and can demote things with same/similar content to lower search ranking.

I am not recommending…just [URL removed]
Some appear to get by the duplication by making slight changes
Using different IDs for different sites

I do not know if you can turn off your items sent to google through ebay (haven’t used them in over 5 years) and perhaps someone who lists there regularly will come by and clarify, but I do know that auction style listings are not sent to google shopping only buy-it-now…

You can turn off the feed here, but that kind of hides you and if your aim is to get away from ebay, then turning off the feed defeats the purpose.

[URL removed]
I would recommend removing extra punctuation, also, the first 250 characters (or there abouts) is sent to google shopping in the feed. You should use those first 250 characters to describe the item (a few keywords) and move or remove shipping and return information (this information should NOT be in the feed and can cause suspension also)

Perhaps some of this will help

[URL removed]

[URL removed]

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


Since the change to paid ads Google no longer cares if you sell an item on 1 site or 10 different sites and list them all on Google Shopping. When I spoke to them about this a while back, the “duplicate” rules no longer applies to different sites/stores. So list away! :)

answered over 9 years ago

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