How long is it on avg before you see regular traffic?

Im new to bonanza and was wondering whats the avg time before you start seeing a significant amount of traffic on your booth?

asked about 10 years ago

7 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

One of the most common questions on Bonanza is how to increase sales. It is difficult to form one response that will work for everyone as everyone’s situation and business is different. We have created a help page that will help you zero in on key areas to increase the possibility of [URL removed] [URL removed]

One of the more popular programs we offer to increase your sales is our Bonanza Advertising Program. You can learn more about that [URL removed] [URL removed]

answered about 10 years ago

1 Comment

HighFashions says: May 15, 2014

why can’t you generate the return that ebay generates? When are you and all of these other sites going to realize that you need to follow the exact same model,and ways that they use and are using that made them the giants they are? Bonanza is a great site but it is in no comparison to ebay.

Hi, welcome aboard and good luck with your sales. I’ve been using Bonanza for several years. Your whole “Booth” may not be viewed for a long time or not at all but that doesn’t mean your individual items haven’t been viewed. If someone is shopping for a swimming pool and they type that into the search box, your pools will show up on the list. If they notice you have a lot of pools and good prices, they may then click on your booth to see your entire selection. I specialize in Holiday decorations. So I get a lot of booth views because I have a big selection of what they are shopping for. I hope this makes sense. I looked at your booth and you have an excellent selection and good prices too. You should do well.

answered about 10 years ago

Reputation: 14
See aokga's booth

I wish I could be more help and more upbeat. As rmat said you’ve got neat stuff at buyable prices. When someone stops at your booth they will spend lots of time because you are so diversified. Times are still tough, people have not discovered Bonanza en’ masse and things are in slow season mode(even on the “dark side”). Take heart, the more you list the more you will sell and business seems to come in spurts.

answered about 10 years ago

Reputation: 50
See knlhett's booth

Can we sell on Bonanza like people do on eBay? Should we list in similar way? I am very new and have head from some that selling on Bonanza was not successful for them. Do I need to buy a package in order to sell? I don’t have a lot of funds yet.
Thank you for any help.

answered about 10 years ago

We have been with Bonanza For awhile. We average One (1) sale every 50 days, for an average amount of $7 (seven) Dollars.
Good Luck.

answered about 10 years ago

Reputation: 14
See Tshirts' booth

1 Comment

HighFashions says: May 17, 2014

Wow! That is horrid!

You can be a success here. but it takes a lot of hard work and patience! keep going. and welcome to Bonanza.

answered about 10 years ago

I have to say I was a little surprised by the name in your booth banner. Emerald City Market has a nice ring to it, but Emerald City Domination Booth is really a turn off.

answered about 10 years ago

1 Comment

CindyBear says: May 16, 2014

Basic Settings…remove word booth from the store name…surprised at how many do not actually assign a name to their booth

Question Vitals

Viewed: 1655 times

Asked: about 10 years ago

Latest response: about 10 years ago

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