Newbies & cc chargebacks

Is this as rampant on Bonanza as it seems to be to me? They sign up & immediately go credit card crazy then it’s all chargebacks. Frustrating.

asked almost 8 years ago

4 Answers

Personally, I have never had a chargeback on Bonanza. I also have not really seen any posts commenting about chargebacks. I am sure there are some on here, how prevalent, i am not sure. I do not believe widespread at all.

answered almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

Have not had it happen before either, though it may have to do with the types of items sold. I imagine certain items will have things like that associated with them..and scammers are going to show up on any site..

answered almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

Not criticizing your booth as you have many nice things. I did notice that of the over 500 items you have, only TEN are priced under $100 so that I believe is why people are charging on their credit cards instead of doing a paypal or other payment type. People usually dont carry that much in funds in their paypal account.

Perhaps jewelry buyers are a finicky lot and seeing the item in a picture compared to seeing it in person once received could be the reason and the credit card chargeback makes it easier for them (or they are compulsive shoppers and do this with not just items purchased from you). My wife worked at Target and they flag shoppers if they return TOO MANY items in a certain period of time. I also just heard on the news here that Amazon does this too.

Best of luck with your sales.

answered almost 8 years ago

I had a very high amount of credit card chargebacks on Bonanza too. The new buyers bought from me and then opened an unauthorised transaction chargeback a week later, without any prior contact. I ship from Europe and the items arrive in 2-4 weeks. I thought that it was because the buyers expected the items to arrive earlier.
It’s strange. I sell at least 100 items per day on eBay and Amazon, I send everything untracked (low value items) and I have never had a chargeback. I started sending everything with tracking on Bonanza, even 2$ items are sent tracked. Now I have no problems.

answered almost 8 years ago

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