Where is - "send this coupon as a gift to buyers who leave feedback." ?

In the " 9th [URL removed] 9 Bonanza Features to Know About "
section 6 Feedback coupons

“To create a coupon, visit the “Discounts & Coupons” tab of your Booth Settings and select the option to “Send this coupon as a gift to buyers who leave feedback.”

there is no such thing option “Send this coupon as a gift to buyers who leave feedback.”

where is it ?

asked almost 7 years ago

Reputation: 10
See Y_mia's booth
4 Answers

I believe it is a membership option…Gold or higher

Coupons & Discounts
Run promotions to reward buyers and attract new customers.

I usually give a coupon with the invoice to all my buyers…some use it, most don’t

answered almost 7 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

You could try Bmailing your buyers a coupon code after you create it.

answered almost 7 years ago

A while back I used to have business cards made with an area on the back of the card that said something like “a one time 20% off coupon code for you, expires ___” and then underneath I’d say something like “enter coupon code ____ during the checkout process”

I never had anyone use one though but then again, I used to not carry like items for the most part.


answered almost 7 years ago

Hello Y_[URL removed]

When a seller/member followed my shop, I received the email alert, which also suggested that I send a thank-you coupon. I followed that link and found nothing like that. I did see where we can create regular shop coupons for customers, as usual. Continued to look around a bit at that same page, to where I’d been directed from the email alert, and decided that I would have to create a regular coupon, then I think there is a feature where we can add the names or something of the persons who we want to receive it, i.e., those who followed, left feedback, etc. I didn’t know that shop coupons could be sent to select people until I followed that email alert link.

I apologize if you find that this is incorrect, but this is how I perceived it. I didn’t have time to complete it to see if it worked. I’ll have to investigate later.

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answered almost 7 years ago

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