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Bonanzle Nominated as Seattle's Best Bootstrapped Company.  Vote!
bharding Apr 20, 2010

Bonanzle Nominated as Seattle's Best Bootstrapped Company. Vote!

You know it's been a busy couple weeks when we get nominated for an award and it doesn't get blogged about until a week later.  But (at long last) we are happy to announce that we have been nominated as a finalist for Seattle's "Best Bootstrapped Company" by a team of Seattle's most respected entrepreneurs and investors.  

For those that don't regularly invest in small companies, "bootstrapped" in business lingo means that Bonanzle has been built without using money from investors.  That turns out to be an exceptionally hard and unusual thing to do, but we are proud of how far we've come using the power of your positive word of mouth.

We are up against some very stiff competition in the "best bootstrapped" category, including Biznik, one of my favorite local sites for business networking (highly recommend checking it out if you're a service provider).  Ultimately, if we are going to win this award, we'll need all of the votes we can get from those that use and enjoy Bonanzle.  

Click here if you'd like to vote for the Seattle 2.0 Awards.  It's fun, anyone can do it, and it will provide 82% of your daily recommended allowance of random Internet surveys.  Thanks so much to everyone who nominated us for this award!

In other news...

We have at long last received our first set of graphic ads that we'll soon be pushing to content networks.   Take a look at right.  Snappy, wethinks!  This is one of four graphics, see if you can spot the other three coming soon to a content site or message forum near you.  


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31 responses to Bonanzle Nominated as Seattle's Best Bootstrapped Company. Vote!

AntiquesRGreat says: 04/20/10 at 20:03:36

Congratulations! I’ve been rounding up votes!! Maybe some of our blogger’s can blog about it,Tweeters can tweet it,video makers can make videos. What ever it takes to get the word out!

Like the ad

TimsDiamondWillow says: 04/20/10 at 20:12:04

Tweeted…will tweet again. Hope everyone else does their ‘part’ … and more! also.

AntiquesRGreat says: 04/20/10 at 20:14:54

Bill can we use those ads on our blogs?

sofyblu2 says: 04/20/10 at 20:15:26

Didn’t know we could vote more than once..so off I go

Yup Chad did well with the graphic ad..curious to see where they will show

loristhisandthat says: 04/20/10 at 20:16:09

Congrats Bonanzle! You guys sure deserve this award!
Good to know we can vote more than one time.

AntiquesRGreat says: 04/20/10 at 20:19:23

I’m voting everyday

loristhisandthat says: 04/20/10 at 20:21:00

Got so excited knowing we could vote more than once!
Forgot to say Great graphic Chad!!

momspennies says: 04/20/10 at 20:23:03

I was one of the first to nominate for this award and I thought I made a strong case. I am so happy to see we were chosen. I bet we win! And when you vote, don’t forget to go to your email account and click to confirm so it gets counted.

muddyriverironworks says: 04/20/10 at 23:05:13

Nice, Good to see the postive things for Bonanzle, Keep it up!

Queenmum says: 04/21/10 at 04:14:14

WTG Boyz & Girlz.

Bill, your faithful ranch hands are way ahead of ya on this one…we been votin for a week already

Hope to see some of those ads out & about soon…get the word out to those buyers.

AllThingsVintage44 says: 04/21/10 at 06:05:14

Didn’t know I could vote more than once. Will vote two booths every day! This is just so exciting!!! I’m loving it

McCormicksGiftShoppe says: 04/21/10 at 06:43:46

Congratulations on the nomination!

DS520Diecast says: 04/21/10 at 07:23:02

Congrats on step #1. On to step #2! Vote!

bonzchick says: 04/21/10 at 08:15:56


STARskincare says: 04/21/10 at 13:54:14

Congrats! Love to see Bonanzle grow!

TanBarn says: 04/21/10 at 15:50:57

You just received my vote!

alasycia says: 04/21/10 at 17:21:09

Voted. The Bonz should walk it!

MamawsButtonsAndMore says: 04/22/10 at 02:25:17

I voted CONGRATS Bonanzle

lovelythingsdahlin says: 04/22/10 at 06:08:45

Such good news for Bonanzle! I voted the other day.

ATCC says: 04/22/10 at 07:39:41

Congrats! I voted!

newmillenniumbeatnik says: 04/22/10 at 09:27:42

Congratulations! Thanks for providing an alternative for the “little guys” to sell our wares. I love the more relaxed and homey atmosphere here. I voted as well, it is deserved. NMB

andi says: 04/22/10 at 17:33:47

Congrats!!! You guys ROCK- It’s about time you got the recognition you deserve. :-)

Lisas_TX_Treasures says: 04/22/10 at 20:42:10

I’m voting. Also, love the snappy ad too. Very Catchy Indeed!

KimsKorner says: 04/22/10 at 21:41:22

Congratz. I had went and voted and tweeted about it when I saw the thread in the forums. Hope you win, I feel very well deserved!

ilovegems2009 says: 04/23/10 at 06:48:52

I voted also and wish you guys the best of luck. You deserve it!

luvmykittycats says: 04/23/10 at 10:12:11

Been voting and tweeting. Glad to know it’s helping. Great ad too!

AdventuresAndHobbies says: 04/23/10 at 11:19:55

Congratulations on the nomination! Just confirmed my vote. You guys really deserve it.

MosaicArtist says: 04/24/10 at 12:38:04

Congratulations! Just confirmed my vote. Yes you deserve it.

krochetkritters says: 04/26/10 at 14:18:01

I’m voting every day too! Yeehaw!

ew410 says: 04/27/10 at 20:26:38


judyfruendt says: 04/28/10 at 18:59:06

bonanzle your the best

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