Combining booths

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have decided to slowly combine all of my booths together.

It will take time – and I think I can successfully separate everything in 1 booth under categories – will be upwards of 40 000 – 50 000 products or more by the time I am finished.

I will still have “For Everything Tartan” on tartan items and “For Everything Beautiful” etc on jewellery items.

I am hoping it will help customers have a better buying experience by being able to combine products over many different categories and save on postage etc and from going outside the one store.

Please bear with me as it will take time – and they will still be separated for a time until everything is moved over.

Any comments or suggestions are most welcome.



asked almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 12
See JMB7339's booth


BookbinEtc says: August 10, 2014

Hi Jules

BookbinEtc says: August 10, 2014

Hi Jules

BookbinEtc says: August 10, 2014

oops, sorry, duplicated. No suggestions, but I do think having easier combined shipping will be helpful. Good luck on your huge project!

ToysAndTreasures says: August 10, 2014

Did you have a question or are you just promoting your booth(s)?

JMB7339 says: August 10, 2014

thanks Bookbin – I havent used this since the forums changed and had to figure out how to reply.

1 Answer

good luck Jules…I know that will be a large undertaking for you!


answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


Oma'sPlatz says: August 10, 2014

Is there a way to transfer items or do you have to copy and paste each one?

JMB7339 says: August 10, 2014

thanks ccmom and yes Oma’s Platz – one at a time – but that is my way of editing photos and prices as needed.

Tortuga says: August 10, 2014

wow…thats a lot of work! Good luck!

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Asked: almost 10 years ago

Latest response: almost 10 years ago

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