Could someone critique my booth

Trying to make a go on Bonanza once again. I don’t have much listed as of yet but getting there. I’m going to advertise on Twitter, Pinterest & Facebook etc. Just an overall opinion? Things have changed around here so much I have a lot of catching up to do.

asked over 10 years ago

8 Answers

Hi, It looks good to me. The only thing I would suggest adding Amazon Payments as another payment option.

To setup Checkout by Amazon, click on the [URL removed]

My Booth
Account Settings, in My Account on the left
Seller Setting tab
Click on tell me more about using CBA

answered over 10 years ago

1 Comment

MaggiesPlace says: September 30, 2013

How and where do I sign up for Amazon Payments?

looking good!!! excellent pictures of items!!!

answered over 10 years ago

1 Comment

MaggiesPlace says: September 30, 2013

Thank you used1goods.

I would suggest a new professionally designed banner. I don’t want to criticize anyones designing but it doesn’t pop, it isn’t memorable and it’s in my opinion not eye appealing. You want something that potential buyers and your buyers are going to recognize you by. You want your banner to speak volumes to your customers. I so happen to design banners, avatars and listing templates. I have over 10 years of experience in this area. If interested get in touch with me, I just signed on today.

answered over 10 years ago

1 Comment

MaggiesPlace says: October 01, 2013

Do you have something in mind?

You’re doing a good job of including measurements and fabric composition. That’s very important to potential buyers.

answered over 10 years ago

1 Comment

MaggiesPlace says: October 01, 2013

Thank you.

Hi…I would agree with a “banner” update, maybe Maggie’s Fashions, Vintage, Chic, Styles, Sophisticated etc?
A bit more specific of your booth sales. I have been reading about “branding” really helping sales (I hope it won’t leave a scar LOL )
Check out [URL removed] SHE HAS FREE BANNERS and designed mine…I just added text. You might message her and ask politely to make you one – she is very helpful, the best…Good luck…and many sales to you Mel9861

answered over 10 years ago

Reputation: 42
See Mel9861's booth

1 Comment

MaggiesPlace says: October 01, 2013

No it didn’t scar me! It’s something to think about…thank you

I am a techno-dummy as I can’t quite figure out any of the many improvements as fast as the rest of the world. That said I was able to view your store and if someone finds it your items seem explained, visible and clearly stated. I am told that clothing is a tough area to sell in and perhaps that is the reason for slow sales. Unless you are a Victoria or Vera or work for George Clooney you have to wait and wait even with FB and Twitter and the rest.

answered over 10 years ago

Reputation: 50
See knlhett's booth

1 Comment

MaggiesPlace says: October 01, 2013

Yes clothing is very hard to sell buy hey we all need them. lol I do FB, Twitter, Pinterest and a couple more. I have al little over fourteen thousand followers on Pinterest. Hopefully that will help.

Your booth looks very good and you have nice items. Since your shipping is so low, you may want to consider a fixed priced shipping. Calculated shipping can show incorrectly in google and may effect some searches. I have always done much better with the fixed price shipping. I would add a slip to your model for short shirts and jackets, but that’s just me, I have some weird quirks when it comes to pictures.
Good luck with your sales.

answered over 10 years ago

Reputation: 1291
See A2z4u2c's booth


MaggiesPlace says: October 01, 2013

Ok something to consider fixed pricing. Yes that bothers me too. Yes I’ll fix it, I thought maybe that was just my quirk. lol.

RedbirdRidge says: October 01, 2013

And here all this time, I thought I was the only one bothered by those uncovered manequin bottoms. LOL

MaggiesPlace says: October 01, 2013

Oh no, you’re not alone!

Since there are currently 0 items in your store, I cannot comment on your booth per se. I agree with the others about your banner. Very dull old granny blue. A lot of dead space. Doesn’t pop. I hate the font, looks like its from a 1980s computer.

However, I do like the profile pic of the lady with red boxes. It’s good, but I think could be better by incorporating the name into the picture. How about if you put “Maggie’s” in the same style & font of “Macy’s” on one of the boxes on the left. Make it look as similar to Macys as possible. A box on the right side should say “PLACE” in a style similar to another retailer or high end brand.

The most famous and recognizable “Maggie” I know is Simpson, so what if u put her somewhere hidden in the banner? Or put a red pacifier in the girl w/ red boxes mouth?

answered over 10 years ago

Reputation: 28
See Weblotz's booth
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Viewed: 1582 times

Asked: over 10 years ago

Latest response: over 10 years ago

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