Paypal question

Someone from the UK bought an item from us and it is showing up in our paypal account in british pounds and it marked unclaimed. It also didn’t show up in our Bonanza sold orders.
Anybody have any thoughts on this?
Thanks in advance!

asked almost 10 years ago

1 Comment

bonanzamark says: August 11, 2014

Congrats on your sale! Once you claim the transaction PayPal will tell us it is paid for, and we will mark it as sold here.

4 Answers

You will have to go to Paypal to approve this one..but afterwards..

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Click on Block Payments (Edit)

This [URL removed]

Allow payments sent to me in a currency I do not [URL removed]
Yes, accept and convert them to U.S. Dollars. Additional charges apply.
No, deny the payments
Ask Me, decide accepting or denying each individual payment

My guess is that the setting is Ask Me

Change it to No, deny the payments, and therefore all international buyers will have to convert their currency first before payment…(this does not block international buyers, just the currency they can use to pay)

If you want to accept alternative currency, then check the Yes, accept..then you will pay the conversion fees at paypal

I have mine set for No and that leaves it up to the international buyer to convert and pay conversion fees…

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

it’s a good idea to call pay pal as well, they have someone you can talk to any time of the day or night. They will be able to explain to you what’s going on with your account, I/e how to convert British pounds into American dollars.

answered almost 10 years ago

Thanks bonazamark. How do we claim it. Have never been here before. We sell all around the world and have never run into this one. We can call paypal tomorrow but would rather take care of it from here. Once you call paypal you are in for an hour. How did this happen ? Will this happen with all international orders ? It seems like paypal should have converted it to USD. It’s a lot of hoops to jump thru .

answered almost 10 years ago

1 Comment

ccmom says: August 12, 2014

Can’t be taken care of from here, as it is paypal that is blocking completion of the guess, the buyer paid in a currency you do not accept. (Did not convert currency to USD)

I got paid in pounds, and I sent a note to the buyer that I was refunding, and that I only accept US Dollars. I them sent them an invoice from Paypal for the correct amount. I got re- paid, in USD.

answered almost 10 years ago

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Asked: almost 10 years ago

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