When i go to sell an item , and click name, and enter a product , they are not showing up now ?

When I go to sell an item , and click name, and enter a product I have listed , they are not showing up now ? Since yesterday I have had this problem :0 I don’t know what’s going on , & it doesn’t matter what item I am looking for either , none are showing up . A customer sent me a money order in the mail for an item , & I need to delete it & it will not let me , because it won’t even show up fpr me :0 Please help .

asked about 11 years ago

8 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.


hard to tell without more information. If you could please contact us at
[email protected] with the details we will do our best to assist. You can also click on the “Contact” link at the bottom of any page to get in touch with our support team.

answered about 11 years ago

Try going to your booth and finding the item. You can then put it on reserve, once it’s on reserve you can go to batch edit and delete it.
Log out of Bonanza, try clearing your computer cookies and try again. Search is working for me.

answered about 11 years ago

Reputation: 1291
See A2z4u2c's booth

Thankyou …. I went to my booth & clicked on the item , I do not see anywhere to reserve the item at all :( And I have removed a bunch of downloads off my computer & it still isn’t working :( Do you know how to remove cookies ? Thanks

answered about 11 years ago

When you click your item and open up the item page, there should be two green text links (Edit item and Reserve item) following the item title just above the item price.

answered about 11 years ago

Reputation: 418
See autonutt's booth

I am finding that booth search when logged in does not work for your own booth, though you can search others..(I have sent message to support).

[URL removed] Logged in as CindyBear, searching my own booth comes back with 0 items (I know that there are bears there), but I can search my other booth ccmom without any trouble.

Logged in as ccmom, I cannot get search results for ccmom, but I can for CindyBear.

Logged out booth search works fine..

I do not know if this is related to OP’s question, because I am unsure exactly what the OP is asking…but if she is searching her own booth and not getting any items then yes, that is what is happening to me..

[URL removed] I agree critter and now I have lost all categories too..told to clear the cache from support…since it is cleared every day..that is not the problem and I still cannot bring anything up in my search box when logged in

answered about 11 years ago

Reputation: 3068
See CindyBear's booth

When I am logged into my booth I cant search within my booth, nothing will come up when I do a search and my catagories have nothing in them, however if I log off and go to my booth I can do a search for items within my booth and find things also my catagories all have items in them as they should

I contacted support and they tried to duplicate the problem however they couldn’t and stated it is on my side/computer however now I see CindyBear and OP may have the same issue

I contacted Mark again this morning via the same support ticket to have him stop by here again

I think what the OP is stating is that when she typed something in her search box within her booth NOTHING comes up, same as me

answered about 11 years ago

If you sold the item here, you shouldn’t have to delete it, you should be able to go to your open transactions section and mark it sold. If you sold it elsewhere, why not not go straight to batch edit using the link on your My Bonanza page, find the item and mark the checkbox, and delete it there. Saves all those extra steps.

answered about 11 years ago

Still unable to search your own booth: though no problem with others

HappyForeverFinds your edit and reserve links are by the title of you listing

![URL removed]

ps this isn’t working…method of help..sorry mark

New responses do not bring the post up…so no one really knows to go looking for it

answered about 11 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth
Question Vitals

Viewed: 1727 times

Asked: about 11 years ago

Latest response: about 11 years ago

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