Why am i being asked to approve an order?

I can’t find any info on why this request was sent to me and what it’s about. The price and shipping cost are in the listing already so why didn’t the sale just go through as usual?

asked almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 48
See belmodo's booth
5 Answers

Check your “Seller Settings” under “Account Settings” and see if you “Other Seller Settings” has the wrong box checked.

Mine mysteriously was changed a while back and another seller told me it happens (blamed it on the Bonanza Ghost).

answered almost 10 years ago


belmodo says: August 04, 2014

When I approve an order, send the buyer their invoice automatically (don’t prompt me to review the invoice) was ticked. Is that what causes it? Never happened before and what is the result on the buyers end, are they blocked from purchasing?

Oma'sPlatz says: August 05, 2014

I think so. When I unticked that box, buyers are able to check out and I get messages of the sale and the payment option they used.

The buyer may have entered their address or zipcode incorrectly…then the it will come as an offer…to allow you to check into the purchase to ensure it is legitimate…

I had someone their zipcode incorrectly, the purchase could not be completed through paypal because of the error sent up a red flag..

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

Do you ship outside your country? I got that once from someone trying to make a purchase in my booth from Canada.

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 160
See Tortuga's booth

1 Comment

belmodo says: August 04, 2014

Thanks for the response. Yes, I do ship internationally but the person’s profile says they are in this country.

I can’t figure out why this happened, sure would like to know. I really don’t want my buyers to have to wait for an order approval before they can purchase something.

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 48
See belmodo's booth


ccmom says: August 05, 2014

if you cannot find the problem, then ask support..it is more than likely a problem with the buyer’s account…

ccmom says: August 05, 2014

if you cannot find the problem, then ask support..it is more than likely a problem with the buyer’s account…

The only time this happens to me is when a buyer from another country attempts to purchase from my booth (I have the option to sell internationally unchecked). If I decide that I can ship internationally, I just create and revise an invoice to include the international shipping cost, then send it to them for approval.

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 418
See autonutt's booth

1 Comment

belmodo says: August 06, 2014

It was a domestic order. Thanks for all the replies.

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Viewed: 1821 times

Asked: almost 10 years ago

Latest response: almost 10 years ago

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