Why are there adds popping up at side and bottom of my screen?

Anytime I try to edit my items or even ask this question I have a ton of advertisements popping up at the side and bottom of my screen…why? Is this something new that I’m just going to have to suck up and deal with?

It’s super annoying to have these adds pop up anytime I visit a new bonanza page.

asked almost 10 years ago

2 Answers

Sounds like you picked up some adware with an recent download, or update on some software

You might want to run one of your spyware, malware or an adware removal program

depending on your browser, you may wish to turn on you “pop-up” blocker also

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

Thanks. Scanned my computer for viruses yesterday and cleaned it up. Just checked again and says nothing found.

After checking other browsers noticed it was only with my chrome browser that it was popping up. I uninstalled chrome then reinstalled, so far I seem to be add free. Hopefully that fixed or deleted what ever malware was attatched to my chrome.

Appreciate your answer. For a moment there thought it might be a new annoying Bonanza feature.

answered almost 10 years ago


ccmom says: September 25, 2014

unfortunately adware is not a virus and usually does not show up in virus scans…but may show in a malware or spyware scan

ccmom says: September 25, 2014

unfortunately adware is not a virus and usually does not show up in virus scans…but may show in a malware or spyware scan

ZiggyZool says: September 26, 2014

Recently had the same thing happen to me, It was in an update download for FlashPlayer. If it doesn’t stay gone google it and you can find the fix for Chrome. And if you do as CCMOM says and run a malware spyware scan some of it can be taken care of through that.

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Viewed: 1159 times

Asked: almost 10 years ago

Latest response: almost 10 years ago

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