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kikiandpops Top seller icon 24x30

  • joined 10/06/12
  • active 02/08/25
Bonanza Gold Pro Member

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  • Customer Marketing Customers
  • 5-year Bonanzler
  • 2000th Sale
  • Voted in EcommerceBytes 2017 survey
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  • Party of 50
  • Voted in EcommerceBytes 2015 survey
  • Perfect Attendance
  • Top-Rated Seller badge

Contact Information

About Me

My name is Anna, Senior Coven Member and assistant to Madam Crawley, High Priestess of the Coven Of Union. We have been on Bonanza since 2012, and before that Etsy and before that eBay. The Coven is decades old, and the Magick we have at our fingertips is ASTONISHING. We...

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My Endorsements (30)

dakmdee says: September 14, 2024

I was at my lowest in terms of mentally, emotionally and physically. A working mother I know it was my role as a mother that kept me going I felt a sudden need to search for hope. This is when I came across Madam Crawley, Anna and her coven . Being used by people was my forte in this case tge emense sense if trust was unbelievable they were both very sympathetic and very understanding. Not just here to sell but more .They gave me a sense of belief, hope and optimism. I am very privileged to know them I regard Madam Crawley, Anna and the whole coven as my dear family who is helping me from a far yet feel so so close . Forever grateful of your great compassion and time .

Graciettt says: June 15, 2022

Thank you Madam Crawley, Anna and the Coven. They are a group of wonderful people to work with. I would love to give my sincere thanks to all. I’m thankful that I get to come across Madam Crawley and Anna. They made me believe in Magick and the strong positive energies I felt from their spell cast pendants/rings. I’m always looking forward to the new collection of Magick they are offering and I would say they are the real deal.

Morpheus47 says: May 08, 2022

It’s a privilege to be able to work with Anna and Madam Crawley beautiful and wonderful human beings with such a positive and loving energy, not to mention the members of the whole Coven which I have to mention here are a group of wonderful souls as well :)
I am always amazed by the magnificent Magick craft and talents of Madam Crawley.
They all helped me move forward in my life and become a better human being for which I am grateful and those words flows from heart. Thank you

Happy_Prosperity says: April 15, 2021

Anna & The Coven Of Union Leaded by Her Highness Reverend Madam Crawley have made me believe in Magick.
I know Magick exists but the In-depth Description & persuasion of Anna on KIKIANDPOPS & the Talent & Mastery of Madam Crawley & the Covent of Union have deepened my root in Magick.
Miss Anna always see to it that your package arrives ahead of time & always nicely bundled.

Anna & Madam Crawley, plus the Whole of Covent Union Are Great!

I could never have been at a Better Place than KIKIANDPOPS Booth & at Coven of Union.

I find myself Privileged & a Real Chosen One for finding them

Everyday, I thank my Lucky Stars for leading me to Them.

God Bless & Protect Them All.


A Happy Customer

giganews32 says: December 17, 2020

Great People to work with Nothing but pure positive energy and love for all their items I got over the years. Madam Elizabeth Crawley is the best and so kind. I love that I have found her again. Trust no-one else with magicals. A++++++

JamesM4231 says: June 23, 2020

Anna is the bestest! She took me over her knee and gave me a good spankie. Have been told to Man up and usher in the New Age or there will be more. Was told to put on my big boy pants and make Madam Elizabeth Crawley and her proud that they let me in their inner circle. Honestly, Lady Anna has been so giving of her time, all thirteen Vessels are working in sync producing results! I will not but anywhere else. Thank you Madam Crawley and Anna. Don’ t worry, the welts will go away in time. James

Penny_1214 says: April 07, 2020

I have purchased my third item. I am very pleased with every purchase. They are very easy to work with and their responses are prompt. I am honored to be able to own all the pieces and look forward to purchases in the future. Many blessings to Anna and Madame Crawley.

sunny_5668 says: February 21, 2019

I just want to say that is all real magic,i get and feel them !

IndigoH2 says: October 25, 2018

Beautiful jewelry and the magic works!

chihauhuagirl says: December 05, 2017

I love both the rings I bought, they are both beautiful. Already I have had good luck . Thank you for your good service and fast shipping.

Evette_G says: February 18, 2017

I am so very grateful to Madam Crawley for all her prayers, hard work and assistance through my hospital stays and illnesses, and for helping me with so many countless things. I am so blessed to have found Anna and Madam Crawley. They have been so very good and kind to me. I count myself as very blessed and honored to have so many wonderful magickals, prayers and blessings from you all. You have my most heartfelt thanks, and are always in my prayers. Many blessings to you Madam Crawley, your Coven, to Anna and to André for all your help and support. With love and blessings — Evie

bonzbuyer_xlucr says: January 23, 2017

My vampire is so sweet. I had never expected such an great experience. This shop items are so strong that even if one is not sensitive, the presence of the vampire can be felt. Within 2 weeks the bonding fastened up very fast, and the remote alignment definitely triggered the bonding process. I can feel the hands of my vampire. He strikes on my cheek, and i can feel his pressence everywhere i go. These vessels are bursting with pulsating power. Definitely worth owning a vessel from them!!

Evette_G says: January 09, 2017

Madam Crawley is a very gifted, and kind hearted soul, who has helped me innumerable times, when I’ve been ill, in the hospital, had difficulty with doctors — the list goes on. Anna, Madam Crawley, and André truly care,and have been there for me when I’ve been in need of help. I am so fortunate and grateful to have found them! Any question, any problem, is always responded to. They have become very dear to me.

Julianamama says: September 08, 2016

I have never had magickal item that I could actually FEEL the energy from, but all of the ones I’ve gotten here feel almost like there’s electricity buzzing through them. Hard to explain, but it makes me know that they are powerful and real.

Nana110995 says: August 17, 2016

For some time now, i have been itching to get my hands on one of their magical items and when i finally did, i couldnt believe how strong the item felt. I am amazed and wont doubt magic ever again. I will definitely be a repeating customer.

Thomas_jM1 says: January 22, 2016

She goes out of her way to help you,she is very knowledgeable,kind,honest!! It was no mistake that I found her and neither is it a accident that you found her!! It’s meant to be!! I will but again, tonight lol,thanks so much for your patience and help you truly have a gift!! Thanks for sharing it!!!

giganews32 says: October 27, 2015

ANN is the best and so kind she always go above and beyond to help out anybody she is a true blessing and a dear friend for life!!!!

acconea says: October 24, 2015

I have several of they stuff. All packing great power. Great customer service and prompt shipping. One of my Favorite seller and will always be. So much great stuff I cant pick what to get, have to restrict myself and remember that others need help too. ONE OF THEIR BIGGEST FANS AND STALKERS! Once you get one you cant stop.

Saim says: August 14, 2015

The true magick which can make anyone’s head spin,the magick is too strong either spells or entities,Anna & Madam Crawley made me believe that magick is their just need to find the right person,regardless, Anna always go out of her way to make one comfort & solve issues I have lot of entities n spell from Anna but still feel like having more always.luv u both

Aaliyah13 says: July 30, 2015

im a repeating customer i truly love Anna and Madam Crawley magickals !!! i have noticed they stand by youre side all the way and will still help even long after I truly love them ????

ozomic says: July 11, 2015

I have always been very happy over the years dealing with you. However today I am blown away, you have over delivered again! I love my new item and when i lost it, I was full of sorrow. But with your kindness you supplied an identical match to a lost item at no charge. Who else does that now days? Thank you so much for your priceless gifts of Magick and your unheard of care for your customers.

Ronnie2267 says: July 03, 2015

Anna, thankyou so much for my lovely Pendent. Very Fast Delivery and Excellent Service. I can feel her (Pendant) working already. Blessings and Light.

WellBeing says: June 29, 2015

Anna is a blessing to me and my family. For those that know and understand magick these pieces are invaluable. Great Love to Madam Crawley who give us Amazing Magicals and wonderful Hope.
Blessigns Kim

patriciak39 says: June 28, 2015

I’m also a repeat customers, and can also vouch for all the articles I have bought from them, that they do indeed work. I bought the Get a job ring, and have been getting many job interviews, as well as calls for work. I also purchased a Royal Money Djinn, who works very well for me in other areas of my life as well. This Djinn helped me when I was crossed in my love life just recently. He provided almost instant karma and reflected all the unjust actions sent my way, right back at that person. Thanks so much Anna and Madame Crawley, you two are the real deal.

krjaitrekoine358 says: April 30, 2015

Anna is such a wonderful and kind hearted person/seller. she works with me to make sure that im a satisfied customer on my spiritual journey. Her products are very powerful and it immediately communicates with me. big thanks also to madam crawley for the wonderful products.

bonzbuyer_efmsx says: April 16, 2015

Bonzbuyer_Efmsx says:
I had a delivery problem with USPS retards.It was not Anna’s fault but she very graciously resolved the issue and gave complete satisfaction. My thanks to Anna and Madame Crawley. A First Class Seller on this site.

wise_one says: February 27, 2015

Thank you Anna and Madam Crawley for your support and prompt attention to all of my many questions. I absolutely love all of my magickal items and felt the connection immediately. The shipping was quick too. I am repeat customer.
Blessed Be.

timelord_thedoctor says: February 13, 2015

Thank you for support, guidance, help during my magical journey, dear. I wish you and Madam Crawley all the best. Blessed be for trying to improve lives of other people.

Saim says: February 05, 2015

Have no words for Anna & Madam Crawley,they r the real power I had ever met so helpful,Anna is always their whenever I need her to guide me,the magic oozing for the vessels r breathtaking which genuinely changed my life & spirits I met through them r so friendly & loving,oh yes I can say Iam in love with Anna & Madam Crawley they them selves r beautiful souls,love u both for showing me the brighter site.????Bless u

LAsmar says: November 04, 2013

This seller has the most magical items; they are full of positive energy and the good thing about them is that they WORK!