Seller Community Forum

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2 answers
0 votes
How do i disable the discount that is showing on my entire booth?
I have all of my eBay listings in my store and now they are all discounted here. It said I checked a box upon import now I cannot find it? Anyone know how to fix that?

asked over 8 years ago

6 answers
0 votes
What's up with bonanza support?
So far I've contacted support via the email for on 2 different occasions with questions and they just don't contact me back, has anyone else with a basic free account experienced this? How do I get them to acknowledge me? I'm pretty frustrated and...

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Received a letter from ebay stating i broke 3rd party credit policy?
I know Bonanza said they fixed yesterday 3rd party listing requirements. But I received an email today from eBay stating all my listings violated the 3rd party listing policy. I pulled them off but my question is were we supposed to change the lis...

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
None of my items show up on google search
Good Morning, I am at a loss, none of my items are showing up on google! I used to show up, now nothing from bonanza. Any ideas, I am at a loss. Thanks

asked over 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Cannot import, error 563
I have been trying to "import from inventory file". When i click "My booth" i get an error message saying "Failed with error #563. Please contact support@bonanza for more information." When i try importing i get another error message saying ...

asked over 8 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Looking for blank white double greeting cards w. envelopes
Can't find any in search. 4 3/8" x 5 3/4" = standard, folded. *A BIT bigger is good too)* *WHITE* or off-white *only*, NO prints - Please, someone who sells them contact me? Thank you!

asked over 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
What are my options as a buyer?
Hi all... This is my first time EVER purchasing an item from a seller on Bonanza... and so far it's not going smoothly at all. I bought an item on Oct 21. The sellers terms stated items ship within 3 business days, their feedback was good (...

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How long to wait till i escalate dispute in paypal
How long would you wait till you escalated a dispute to paypal? I sold something on bonanza and on 10/6, on 10/16 I receive a message from paypal that the buyer wants to return the item due to it not fitting, she said the inside tag was different ...

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
New here, have a few questions.
So, I am thinking about selling here however I am confused about some things. fees...say's "about" 97%...what is the fee exactly? Without a membership, how many free spots can I get? And will this be connected to my ebay in any way?

asked over 8 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Does ebay importer import relisted items? how do i cancel a shipping label? new here!
I've had my booth here for about a month and had my first sale. The answers to my questions cannot be found in the Bonanza info as it all seems to be years old...especially the Importer info. I've asked questions but it seems to take them weeks to...

asked over 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
error #563 and 0 items in the webstore
Hello, Last week we activated our membership amd our items have been in the booth for more than a year or so. We have had some sales ! So now we sould like to continue sell in Bonanza but this error error #563 keeps coming up and tells that ther...

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Is the bonanza store hold as bad as the ebay indefinite suspension??
Is there a Possible Resurrection after one has been buried?? Or is The End .....The End??

asked over 8 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
How did this happen?
I'm at a total loss right now... over the weekend I made an offer on a silver bread tray to a seller -- I was excited to see that he had accepted my offer and then I notice that he changed the image and put a note in the offer acceptance that just...

asked over 8 years ago

0 answers
0 votes
Can't connect domain to webstore
I try to connect my domain and it states that the domain is in use. It is in use because I added it, but when I search for my domain, nothing comes up. Anyone know how to fix this?

asked over 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Why doesn't the price show in a search [without having to click to the item page]?
I tried using the price range option to see if they [prices] would show and they did not. tried highest to lowest and no prices show. I was searching in vintage sewing patterns. Tried another category, Vintage Hammered Aluminum - same thing. Now a...

asked over 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Why do i get failed with error #563.
hi i keep getting this error whenever i go into my booth i created a ticket but no response yet. anyone knows about this error ? Thanx

asked over 8 years ago

6 answers
0 votes
What is going here i have not had a sale in such a long time
is it even worth spending money and time on here no sales i am selling way more on small sites via phone than here and i have over 3100 items,i promote like crazy,i hope it really turns around fast,or i will be making a change fast i think bonz sh...

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Is anyone else having a problem with booth links? Does anyone know how to fix this?
I was trying to check out the stats, feed diagnostics, Add items, and batch edit items today on both of my booths. The links are not working correctly. When I click on any of them, the address bar changes and hangs up. It just blinks and nothin...

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Allow buyer to pick up
[URL removed] I am getting an error from eBay when I try to post an auction over there The error says that I am allowing the buyer to pick up only. I'm not even sure where that is if I wanted that. Can someone set me straight on this please. ...

asked over 8 years ago

8 answers
0 votes
Joan of Grandma's Pantry has passed away
I don't have a question but I want to let the Bonanza community know that Joan from Grandma's Pantry passed away 10-22. I know she had several friends here at one point. [URL removed] She has one open order and after that is completed, I wi...

asked over 8 years ago