Seller Community Forum

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2 answers
0 votes
Is there a way to list an item with different size or color options? or do i have to post each one seperate?
Like a dress I have in 3 sizes. Do I have to post the dress three times?

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Pinterest problem pinning
I'm having a problem pinning to Pinterest.It either doesn't pin or the picture is missing. What am I doing wrong?

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Anyone having issues with their chat box?
I had tried to contact some Bonanza members while they were in my booth through the Chat Box, but now every time I sign in, they're names are showing in the Chat Box. Is there any way to remove them???? I will probably have to ask Support, but t...

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Cancel a selling after full refund the customer , how to ?
hi, i have refund a customer for his purchase and i like to cancel the transaction since it still in "need to ship" condition. i have inform in the details the money back details from paypal. please advise me how to cancel this transaction . th...

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Where can i see my store address?
I want to link my store to my friends, but Bonanza doesn't send me my store address. How can I find the address, thank you!

asked over 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How does shipping options work?
in the shipping options,at the bottom "apply a saved shipping profile". I click it, I thought it will do what I set up in my shipping profile and covered domestic and international, but it doesn't. When I check back from the web, I see it says Fre...

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How to add canada as a shipping option
The shipping options on my items are showing like [URL removed] Shipping [URL removed] Free via Economy shipping (1 to 10 business days) to United States How can I get it to say AND CANADA, for example, as per the [URL removed] Shipping...

asked over 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How do i find the questions that i asked in the community?
I'm trying to find the questions that I asked in the community but I am unable to and it does not have an option that I can click on to easily see MY questions/posts. Thanks!

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
What is the difference between the economy and basic ad publishing?
I currently have been using Google Shopping (Economy Commission)to promote my items on line. What is the advantage of using the Bonanza Affiliate Program (Basic Commission)? How will it help make better sales for me?

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
1 vote
Csv imporer need to be upgraded urgently
I use to import products on a daily basis , as the importer works ok , there some things that MUST be upgrade 1. if file failed to import, let us know why - give us a log to review 2. if part of the products were failed to upload - same thi...

asked over 8 years ago

2 answers
1 vote
It looks like they count your own views. Shouldn't they not count them?

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Bulk csv turbolister and get the pics to load
BULK from ebay uploads but csv TurboLister does not load pics all the mapping and spreadsheet DIY is not working I can't build site I need clear and concise procedure/ example not experimental process Someone has to know exactly what will achi...

asked over 8 years ago

2 answers
2 votes
Email from amazon re: amazon payments
Buyers can pay me via Amazon Payments. I received this e-mail from Amazon and want to know if I have to do anything or will the team at Bonanza take care of [URL removed] Next steps for Amazon Payments on Thank you for being an A...

asked over 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How do i cancel a transaction on bonanza? please
Hi Customer returned his money. I need to cancel the purchase because it would affect the Feedback. Thanks

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
What is google+1 and how does it work?
What is Google+1 and how does it work?

asked over 8 years ago

3 answers
1 vote
Need help importing items via csv.........
Hello everyone, Maybe someone can help me solving an issue with importing via CSV. I have uploaded the file and it seems all product details have been imported except 4 main pictures. I can not find what I did wrong. Here is the csv [URL removed]...

asked over 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Made a $1,450 first-sale.....twice apparently. i'm thinking solomon justice all the way..
Wow..Sold my first product to a girl in N.Carolina for $1450..Messaged her back and forth while we finalized the deal. Somehow,in a 3-5 min window, a gentleman outside Chicago snuck in, made an offer that I never saw, and paid me $1450 also. Unrea...

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How do you ship packages when an item sells. is it similar to ebay where you can print labels and get discounted shipping rates, or am i on my own with processing labels through or taking them to post office.
Also, is there any way to get rid of the Media Mail as a shipping option on my pending listings. As you all know, Media Mail is only for books,cds, etc. and not for just any item you sell.

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Has anyone had there direct checkout change to ineligable in the last few weeks
It started with a problem with the batch editor error #563 I also could not update my booth. I had another error message saying my account wasn't activated which made no sense seen as how I just made a sale 2 hrs earlier.So I contacted support the...

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Deleted items still showing in stats
I deleted quiet a few items over the weekend . My count went from 273 to 212 .I updated my booth , but it still says I have 273 items on my booth page. My stats show they're still there as well. The physical items in my booth show all the i...

asked over 8 years ago