Seller Community Forum

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2 answers
0 votes
Is there a way to do a mass edit to booth item descriptions?
Instead of going through to each item and editing the description (say you want all descriptions of similar items to be written the same way).

asked over 10 years ago

5 answers
0 votes
Is there a way to do this?
I'm trying to Delete an item, but I'd like to be able to remain in my custom category instead of going to "Update all booth items" or "Add/Edit Items". Both of those choices seem to toss my 300+ items into a jumble and then I have to sort and sea...

asked over 10 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Change booth name or open a new one?
I had a booth for about a year and had to close/stop selling here last year. I'm thinking to start back up. What makes the most sense...change the name of the existing one or just open a new one? This new one will be a very different type of booth...

asked over 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Can we sell inspired handbags or inspired items?
Is it ok if we sell designer inspired items on this site?

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Has anyone tried "chatting" with customers in real time?
If you click on My Bonanza>Recent Sales>View Buyers in Real time there is a little link that says "Chat with Customer" and says something like "you have never chatted with this customer before." Has anyone tried it? It seems creepy to me. Doe...

asked over 10 years ago

8 answers
1 vote
Woo hoo bonanza!
FIRST in this year's EcommerceBytes Sellers Choice Awards!!!!

asked over 10 years ago

8 answers
1 vote
Congratulations to bonanza!
Just want to congratulate Bonanza for winning the EcommerceBytes Seller's Choice awards. We came in first above ebay, amazon, and Etsy. Way to go Bonanza!

asked over 10 years ago

5 answers
0 votes
How can i ?
How can I have over 750 item views and not sell a thing, it's very disappointing, Is it because I come from Australia and they don't like dealing with me? I have lovely jewelry items at low prices, but loosing my incentive to list more, what's th...

asked over 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Is there a way to remove favorite sellers?
Anyone know?

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
1 vote
What is your "reputation" # or rating directly tied to?
Is it... A) # of questions or total posts B) popularity of posts (votes) C) old roundtable stuff If it is C, then why was it not changed when the forum format was changed to a community Q&A? That's like saying no band can ever be better t...

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Question about booth on vacation?
Sorry for the million questions everyone lol. Since I been trying different things with my shipping I have made a mess of things on my booth, I was wondering if I can put my booth on vacation and still be able to make edits to my items while its o...

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Shipping question
K, I'm thinking about just using the World wide calculated for all out of the US shipping, can anyone tell me what options are usable for the buyer? I didn't see what options they get to choose from. I heard its only priority mail options but what...

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How does obo work?
Does the buyer have to wait for me to approve their offer?

asked over 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
What happened to standard post calculated?
I was planning on listing a heavy casserole dish and I always give the option of Standard Post (for those 4 pounds and over) for calculated (because of living on the West Coast)...but it isn't THERE anymore. When did that disappear?

asked over 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Live web insights app questions?
Fairly new to Bonanza. In terms of this site's web traffic in general, what is a good amount of views in 1 hour? What is a slow amount of views? Say for every 100 many views/hour would be considered good/bad? Also, I understand w...

asked over 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Help with booth and item stats - following the help info pasted below doesn't work for me, i don't see what it says you should??
Where Can I See My Booth and Item Stats? That's an easy one! Click on "My Bonanza," then under the heading "My booth > Booth Details" on the left side of the page, there is a link labeled "Item stats." Click on that and you can see how many p...

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Anyone else having problems printing shipping labels?
I can't print labels from Paypal or USPS. Are they both down?

asked over 10 years ago

8 answers
0 votes
Seller's choice survey
Just received the email about tokens for completing the sellers choice survey. I logged onto my account and went to my bonanza rewards page, but there is no link that says I already completed the survey. What am I doing wrong?

asked over 10 years ago

0 answers
0 votes
Trouble deleting pics
Why do I suddenly need to individually approve deleting every picture when I copy a listing? Last week I could just go delete delete delete six times and load my new pics. This week it's one at a time, six separate times, delete and approve. W...

asked over 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Usps raised rates
Has anyone shipped Priority Mail since the rate change? How much did flat rate go up?

asked over 10 years ago