Seller Community Forum

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2 answers
0 votes
Background burning
Where do you find information about Background Burning?

asked over 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Is there a 'general discussion' forum round here?
??? Hope all of y'all are having a great day! Got my first sale, thanks Bonanza for hooking us up to eBay like you have.

asked over 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Who used to advertising (publish items to platforms)?
Hi Who used to Advertising (Publish items to platforms)? . What's the Best Advertising? Who does all this? Has it been helpful in trying to boost sales? I need to guide me. I would like my items are Promoted or have better sales. Advert...

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Why does my prices now have CAD beside it? It just starting happening today. Help Please!

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Any idea what mark this is on a metal cat candle holder?
I need help identifying an item and want to include a picture with my question. I can't find instructions on how to do this. Can we still do this? If so, how? Any idea what this mark is? It's on the underside of a brass/silver cats climbing a...

asked over 10 years ago

7 answers
1 vote
Is paypal really neccesary?
I dislike the Ebay owned Paypal and there fees. I am considering doing away with it and also getting off Feebay after 18 years. Does anyone on here have any success not using Paypal and what do you use? I understand that Google Checkout is no lon...

asked over 10 years ago

5 answers
0 votes
Block user from sending messages (?)
Hello, hello! I've returned to Bonanza after a two year hiatus and am having issues with someone who is continually sending me messages about the same thing. Realizing this person is either harassing me by sucking up valuable time or what have ...

asked over 10 years ago

3 answers
1 vote
How can I sell items use dropshipping?

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
What are those listings after the sponsored listings?
What are all those listings that are showing up after the sponsored sellers when I do a basic search? And why do all these "rated" items appear ahead of all the sellers' items that are actually for sale? If I weren't a seller, I would be lost!

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Need to cancel a purchase
I had my sync setup improperly and my solds on eBay were not being deleted from Bonanza, so I accidentally sold something on Bonanza that was already sold. I refunded the payment, but Bonanza is still asking for shipping information. I can't figur...

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Importing ebay auction turns it into a buy it now on bonanza?
I didn't know if I imported an eBay auction to bonanza that people could just put the item in their cart on bonanza. How can that be? These are auctions still going on in eBay with several watchers and bidders. What happens if someone puts t...

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How to re list an item that has been sold ?
Item was sold and I can't or don't see the re list option.

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How do i cancel an order done on amazon payments?
Buyer purchased by mistake. Wants to cancel. When I try the link to the amazon payment transaction number it says I am not authorized to see it. Anyone know what I can do?

asked over 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
How do you go about promoting someone's items on bonanza? i am a relative newbe here.
Hi! How do I promote someone's item or items on bonanza? I am a relative newbe here and would like to do this. Hopefully, someone would do the same for me. :>) bill

asked over 10 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Ebay listings not showing up
It's been a couple of days now since I requested that my eBay listing be imported into my booth. Is there a way I can find out what the status is? Also, do I have to do something else or just wait and they will show up automatically? ====...

asked over 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
When putting your booth on vacation , does it go on vacation on ebay too ?
When putting your booth on Vacation , does it go on vacation on ebay too ? I have advertised to ebay through bonanza , selling on ebay . If I put my booth on vacation , does it make my items not for sale on ebay too ? I hope so :) Thanks

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
??? about live yahoo insight??
Does anyone else have problems with Live View Insights? I check it often and its never correct. It shows me as being from CA. & says I have a customer checking out in <<<<>>> totally false, there in another person booth checking out. Yes I have tr...

asked over 10 years ago

0 answers
0 votes
I tried to link my referral code also and it would not take
I just cannot figure out how to do this I did add the reciprocal link to the site but it would not take so I had to do the free one. Is there anyway to tell if my site took to there directory, or if will I get in trouble for adding the code? I...

asked over 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How do i change plans?
I don't want to cancel my membership. But I DO want to change plans. The only option I see on my membership page is the option to either upgrade or cancel. TIA

asked over 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Just say hi from a new bird
Hi, every I am new here, please check my booth and give me some tips to improve, thanks a lot [URL removed]

asked over 10 years ago