Seller Community Forum

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1 answers
0 votes
How do i remove or turn off the in-sync feature when importing from ebay?
I don't think I activated this option. If so, I would like ALL my inventory listed on Bonanza, not just what is currently on Ebay. I lost 150+ listings recently and don't understand why. If I import again from Ebay, I would like the imported ite...

asked about 8 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Can anyone suggest what is the approximate cost for shipping earrings and which carrier is the best to ship small packages?
I'm confused that there are so many types in usps and I don't know what to choose

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
3 votes
how to identify items which are ready for sale, and items which are not ready ?
I recently imported many items from another site. I'm still doing editing for each item, completing missing fields, especially categories, polishing the descriptions by increasing the font...etc. Here what the message says when I'm in EDITING mo...

asked about 8 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Where is my money
I have several payments I received that say - Payment [URL removed] Credit Card : Funds released on 05/23/2016 Where is the money released to

asked about 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
The exact time of receiving bonanza messages
Would it be possible to see the exact time of the received B. messages? In any time zone, as it can be easily converted. Now, I can see only the day of the month, so it's not possible to say, how many hours before a message has been sent by th...

asked about 8 years ago

6 answers
0 votes
Having to login every time now
I used to be able to login automatically to Bonanza through my saved login info. Now that the login screen offers login through G+ or Facebook as well, I have to enter my Bonanza login credentials every single time. Anyone else having to do this? ...

asked about 8 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Problem crops up today with some of my items showing wrong descriptions from another member booth along with the wrong prices!
I was shocked to see that quite a few of my items, mostly old photos, were now showing completely new titles, prices & descriptions! These descriptions appear to be from another seller here who sells books! Unable to tell who the seller is but if ...

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Hand picked list delete
I would like to delete a hand picked list that I was going to do and decided not to. How do I delete it so that it is no longer in my list?

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Setting up canadian tax rules
I am shipping form Canada, how do i set up provincial tax rules, the form seems to only allow for USA state rules

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Can i advertise items from bonanza onto etsy ?
I already advertise & add items to ebay . Does bonanza let you advertise items & sell them onto Etsy too ? Thanks.

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
1 vote
Low priced items randomly increasing price
anyone else seeing a few low priced items randomly increasing by a huge amount in their booth?

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Can i advertise items onto amazon from bonanza ?
I am selling onto Ebay now from bonanza when advertising . I just got a Amazon account today to sell items . Can I sell onto Amazon through advertising on bonanza ? If I can , how do I do that ? Or how do I add Amazon onto my advertising ? Thankyo...

asked about 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Formatting text when listing an item
Can someone tell me the best way for format listing text? If I use "Normal", everything in my listing is double spaced. So I used "Formatted" - but that seems to vary according to browser. For example, this listing looks fine in Firefox, but in...

asked about 8 years ago

0 answers
0 votes
I am confused how to put traits in a csv spreadsheet to import.
First, is MPN, UPC and condition consider a trait? I have looked at the details in the category I am trying to import and there are many traits listed. I have the information and would like to import rather than individual updates. I am confuse...

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Only one picture per item is being transferred from amazon
Many of my items have two or more pictures posted on Amazon but only one per item is being transferred to my Bonanza listings.

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
My item categories were changed back to wrong categories
When my items were imported from Amazon most of them were placed in the wrong categories. I went and fixed them all and now they have been changed back to the wrong categories.

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How to put the entire booth on sale by a percentage
Hi, I would like to know how to put the booth on sale so that all items are 10% off, I did this about an hour ago but now it is not showing up, & does it have to be done as a coupon which has to be applied because before items automatically had a ...

asked about 8 years ago

10 answers
0 votes
Is selling online still worth it?
Brief [URL removed] I started selling on eBay in 1999, what I consider the Golden Years where even if you had to wait for a personal check to arrive and then cash it, things overall worked well. And sellers could leave honest feedback. I aband...

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
One or more recently added items in your booth require administrative review.
Hello, This is the 3rd time this has happened since I started selling on Bonanza. "One or more recently added items in your booth require administrative review. Booths are reviewed within 24 hours (usually much sooner). You will be able to u...

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Booth followers
Good morning :) You used to be able to see who your booth followers were.... I can't find that now.... did they move it? Delete it? Inquiring minds want to know LOL

asked about 8 years ago