Seller Community Forum

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2 answers
0 votes
What happened to publishing on ebay
I was editing some listings and then decided to publish them on eBay and cannot find the Publish to Ebay icon. My account is verified and I was able to do this yesterday but not today. It is OK. It's back now

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How do i keep from getting duplicates in my booth when i relist on ebay?
Sometimes I find duplicate listings in my booth after I relist an item on EBay.

asked about 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Current status: accepted, awaiting checkout
Hello, A buyer has not paid and it has been 2 days. How do I cancel/mark the item as unpaid and get a refund on the Bonanza fee?

asked about 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Has anyone had any positive results listing on bonanza and then publishing to ebay on a 30 day fixed price listing?
I am just trying to get my on-line sales up a notch, found this reading about Bonanza advertising.

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Can i have a upc field in my csv file?
I have been importing items by csv and everything has been working fine. I have columns in my file for "UPC" and "brand", and for the most part, this has been working fine. I noticed on my last import, a lot of the UPC's are missing after th...

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Is there a report showing why a csv file import failed?
My CSV file import returned a notice saying the items failed. How do I find out why they failed so I can fix the file? Also if you want to update one or things on a listing - say SKU or traits - do you have to include all columns in the file o...

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
My booth is not synchronized with amazon
Inventory in my booth was not reduced after Amazon sales.

asked about 8 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
As i cancel imports from ebay to bonanza
as I cancel imports from ebay to bonanza

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How do i update my home address?
Can't find it anywhere :(

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Totally there a detailed procedure on steps to take when i sell...??
I am familiar w/ebay...item sells-pay pal receives payment, I ship and leave feedback. Where do I find instructions for Bonanza...thanks Charlie

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Importing upc ?
when importing from eBay or Amazon does the attached UPC transfer over to bonanza or does this have to be done manually per product on bonanza ?

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Importing from amazon..
-Only 1 picture per listing was sent -Sometimes there are 2 pictures but one is the wrong item -Multiple item listings were transferred as single items. -My Bonanza items are not synchronized with Amazon. -The Amazon item traits were not trans...

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How do i change my membership level
I am just realizing I never signed up for Advertising, so have done that. Now, I want to go from Gold level back to Basic (no upfront fees) and can’t figure out how to do that. If it is done by cancelling do I still have all my items listed, and w...

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
The seller sent the wrong bed. a one piece with an internal mattress.
The bed I ordered. [URL removed] Seller stated he did not have the color brown but the same bed in black or grey. Message promising same model but different color. [URL removed] The one piece bed from Walmart that was sent. [URL ...

asked about 8 years ago

5 answers
0 votes
Sure wish i would sell something.
I have sold only 2 items since I became a member of bonanza in October. This is really disheartening. I just knew things would be better here. I did good with e-Bay, but they have gone nuts over there. Always changing the rules. Any advice? Yes I ...

asked about 8 years ago

5 answers
0 votes
Top rated seller seals on ebay imported listings?
Thank you Bonanza. I see I'm one of the few listings on various game titles that do not have a TRS seal as I do not import from Ebay. Why would you click on mine? Do you think Bonanza would mind if I, where applicable, put the following in my [...

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
New member, one sale, it's not showing up in search ("sold in last year")
I joined yesterday and sold an item. I thought I had listed a quantity of 8 but when the buyer purchased it, she purchased only one and the listing went away. I have relisted and this time I think the quantity is correct ... but that's not my qu...

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How do i search for a seller?
I found a few answered questions about this exact topic. They say to go to the Community page and click on "see all users" but there is no such link on the Community Page! They also say that you can search for a seller from the main search featu...

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
the buyer did not pay on my first sale. what should i do?
Hi, I had my first sale on Bonanza, but the buyer did not pay for the item and did not answer to my message. What is my next step to do? Please, help with your advise. I actually sell on eBay, but would like to try Bonanza too. Thank you for your...

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How do i get the product images to show up using the csv file?
I saw this question posted by another user and after reading the answer with applying everything that was stated to make the photo show up, it still doesn't work. When I upload my csv file, everything loads up correctly but my photos will not load...

asked about 8 years ago