Seller Community Forum

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2 answers
0 votes
Booth followers
Good morning :) You used to be able to see who your booth followers were.... I can't find that now.... did they move it? Delete it? Inquiring minds want to know LOL

asked about 8 years ago

8 answers
1 vote
Suprise tokens and badges... anyone else ?
To my surprise, this morning I received a "Widget Wizard" badge and "Conversation Starter" badge gaining 20 extra tokens. I also received 5000 tokens for a "Early Adopter" Badge the other day. I'm not sure what that is. Did anyone get them? It is ...

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
1 vote
Did everyone get 5000 extra tokens? or even 50? (low priority)
3 days ago i got 5000 extra tokens for no reason. (yea, i am now only 2500 away from a free t-shirt) And my rank jumped by 2000 exactly(?) I am wondering what for? "My tokens earned this week" is still at 70. Not 5070. The "Average tokens pe...

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
1 vote
Is there a reason for these unearned badges? (low priority)
(1) This morning i got a "Conversation Starter" badge. But i have never posted before. (this is my first ever) (2) I also got a "Custom Booth" badge today, but i only have a standard booth (for over a year) - Just wondering.

asked about 8 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Are the advertising packs worth the $25 and how long are they for
are they even worth the money, first week i was on here sold 8 items, and last 30 days only sold 2, the first week had turbo boost for free i guess and thats why so many sales, but thought this site had cheaper fees than ebay but now that i have i...

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Pending order - seller wont' respond
My seller's booth is "on vacation" for three weeks and hasn't responded to my order request. What can I do? No responses either to the messages I've been sending.

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
If i buy the bonanza plan, do i have to import all of the items or can i pick what i want to import
I would like to deal mostly in electronics, so if I purchase the Bonanza Plan, can I pick certain items to import with the Bonanza plan or do I have to take what the plan gives me?

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How can i tell if my booth is activated ?
i Havent had a booth on here for years .

asked about 8 years ago

0 answers
-1 votes
Commission considers wrong!
I sent a request for recalculation of the fee , I returned partially , but not fully stopped and despair at my emails for a week . Your employees can pick up a calculator and do recalculate correctly ??????

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Why doesn't all of my ebay items import
I have 133 items in eBay and when I import only 102 items show up. Leo, ClothesUSA

asked about 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes

1 answers
0 votes
Webstore stock not updating...
Hello, I've noticed my Webstore Stock does not follow CORRECTIONS when made to Booth Stock. Or maybe I'm not waiting long enough - what would be a reasonable amount of time for the changes to occur on the Webstore...??

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Ebay import delay?
Hi, We requested an import of products from eBay and after several hours are still [URL removed] "The eBay import you requested on May 19th, 2016 at 07:19 is currently in progress" And then below [URL removed] "4 unique listings out of a total o...

asked about 8 years ago

7 answers
3 votes
Top rated seller badge
Back to the issue of these "top rated seller" badges- this needs to be fixed somehow. Today I saw a seller that sells one item like ours- it's old and beat up.. he sells only 24 items total on Bonanza. And he gets a "Top Rated Seller" badge. Howev...

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How to change paypal account?
Hello, How do I change the Paypal email on my account? When I click the 'Change Account" button under Booth Setting's it just redirects to the current PayPal account.

asked about 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Why are my views decreased in 6-7 times in a month?
exactly a month ago, I had 310 hits per month, but since April 19 creeping down my schedule every day and now level 50 hits for the entire stand. I have a dozen popular products, they stopped buying. Previously was buying 1 to 2 days, now purchasi...

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Question abut sending invoice.
I sent what an invoice after I had clicked on it. The buyer and I had agreed on a price for a combined shipment. However, she accepted and I received the same offer back from her. My page said confirm this offer at the bottom, but when I scrolled ...

asked about 8 years ago

15 answers
0 votes
What is the "Early adopter" badge for?

asked about 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
My titles and descriptions changed to items that arent mine?
I have put in a ticket to Bonanza, many of my items ( I sell toys) seem to have different titles, descriptions and photos added to the listings? My original photos are still on the ad, but other info has been inputed.. Is this a site error or was ...

asked about 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Are preorders allowed?
I was just wondering if your allowed to list preorders on a item you know you will get but hasn't arrived yet? Thanks

asked about 8 years ago