Seller Community Forum

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6 answers
0 votes
Does anyone make sales on bonanza?
Hi Friends. I see all these awards from third parties, paid memberships, free advertising until you sell, and other site features. Are there any sales to be had? Does the paid memberships really make a difference?

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Advertising on twitter and pintrest
Didn't there use to be a button for twitter and pintrest on each listed item so we could advertise there??? Maybe i am thinking of somewhere else ..well if we do not have the buttons here Why don't we?? Thanks for anyhelp

asked about 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Economy max fee: 6%
Okay so If I choose the above option do my items show up in both google shopping and the find? IS this 6% in addition to what Bonanza charges or does it depend on how the item was found?

asked about 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
What is the secret to social media marketing?
I've literally promoted my listings for a full year to my 400 follower pinterest account and 1000 follower tumblr account and haven't made a single sale from anybody what's the rage in social media marketing? It doesn't do any good! Has anybody ac...

asked about 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How come item views come in all at once and then you get none for the rest of the day?
Just wondering why all the views I get come all at the same time for example I'll get 0 views half the day then all of a sudden get 20 views in a half hour what's up with that?

asked about 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Throttling my listings
Not really a "question" so much as a comment hoping one of the "boys" will see (and feel free to delete it after you DO). I'm a platinum member and have been opted into the 13% for awhile. About a week or so ago my views EXPLODED. It wasn't unt...

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Hi what happened to the pricegrabber option
What happened to the price grabber advertising option? I see Google the find nextag ebay and bing but no pricegrabber option please help is anyone else experiencing this???

asked about 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Asking again about google feed
Ok-still no luck with my Google feed updating. I've "edited" the items (daily), I've removed items from my booth and updated it-and still, the Google feed doesn't update. I contacted tech support, who told me to add a credit/debit card to my bon...

asked about 10 years ago

1 answers
1 vote
How to set up shipping?how to set up added weight cost?
For example, a commodity price is $ 8. I set the Flat rate. One shipping is $ 7, and then each additional piece of merchandise continued heavy $ 1.5. So buy 10 commodities, the price should be $ 8×10 +9 x1.5 = 93.5, But, in fact,...

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How long does it take for advertising update to take effect?
Hi, me again. I changed my advertising because nothing had been sent to Google since 4/29/2014. After I changed it, I hit "update my booth", but the sent date is still 4/29. Should that change right away. Thanks for your help. Terry

asked about 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Multiple accounts?
Hello, I cannot find any information about whether multiple seller accounts are allowed, not even by asking the great god Google. Help a newbie out?

asked about 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Undelete item
On Item View Counts, 14 items are deleted and not shown. How can I view those deleted items and undelete them?

asked about 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Advertising on ebay
1 more question, I hope...When you choose the standard adverising option for avdertising on Ebay. Do you have to have an ebay account? Thank you!!!

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
3 votes
Commission fees and adverstising.
Help!!!I'm getting very confused. I asked Bonanza why I wasn't getting sales and why my booth items were not being sent to Google. They said because I don't have advertising. So, in addition to the seller fees we pay 6,9 or 13% in addition depend...

asked about 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
2 newbie questions - fee % and labels
I have been selling on Bonanza for about a month and made a sale. Great. I am thrilled...but (1) I do not know how to tell which advertiser, and therefore, which percentage I will be charged. Will Bonanza notify me of this? and (2) I printed my ...

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Stuck on setting up checkout by amazon, need help
Ok, I hope I don't thoroughly confuse everybody, but I am stressed and need help, lol. I started setting up Checkout by Amazon last night, and I got through the first part, I got the email saying Welcome to Checkout by Amazon, and I even got ...

asked about 10 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
How to get more sales.
Hi, I am still getting use to Bonanza,I joined last year and have not had a lot of sales. I do sell some e-cig items, Clearomizers and Batteries. I know these items have to be suppressed from the Google search, but is there any other way to get ...

asked about 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Is there a safe alternative to paypal
Some time ago I accepted money orders and offered Google Checkout along with PayPal. Now all I offer is PayPal. Are there other safe alternatives I can offer buyers aside from PayPal?

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Use own domain name
Is it possible to use your own dot com on here? I want to forward / redirect my own domain name but cannot find the dns numbers to use.

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Is there a limit on how many items you can list and how long do they stay active?
If I wanted to list 50 items will they stay in my booth until they sell or do they end after a week and then I have to list them again?

asked about 10 years ago