Seller Community Forum

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9 answers
0 votes
Why not many sales in several years
I sell on Ebay and also on Bonanza, which I have my items imported and updated each day. I truly want to eliminate Ebay altogether but have little to no sales on Bonanza. I have a very hard time understanding how to get my items viewed and even ...

asked about 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
I assume i have not set up my booth properly because i have zero views except for my own!
I have yet to grasp the logic. I cannot find my own listing on Google Shopping. [URL removed] I have a special GYE NYAME artist necklace. I find many GYE NYAME on GS.. just not mine. WHY? So what is Zero views telling me? Is this site dependent o...

asked about 10 years ago

5 answers
1 vote
Honest question, is bonanza going to any hardcore advertising of its own?
Just wondering,if bonanza is going to ramp up the advertising for this site in general out of all the eBay alternatives this has the highest traffic but I would like to.see Bonanza beat eBay so does anybody know if Bonanza is going to do some type...

asked about 10 years ago

0 answers
0 votes
How long does it take to see changes
I have made changes on the Bonanza side to items that I have also sent to eBay. How long does it take before these changes are reflected on eBay???

asked about 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How exactly do i get the importer to work ?
I have tried numerous times. I have declared custom column names to match the csv also and it still tells me I don't have title or description or sometimes both. Also is there a way to make the feed automatic?

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Why are my listings in £ instead of $ ?
I'm in the US and have tried everything I can think of, but my listings all appear in both of my browsers as GBP instead of USD. On my phone, it's fine, it's in dollars. I've tried my computer settings, I've done the settings at the bottom of the ...

asked about 10 years ago

5 answers
1 vote
Item sold nearly 3 years ago has been viewed in last 30 days?
It really puzzles me that this item which Bonanza itself acknowledges was sold 2 years and 9 months ago shows up in my booth stats as having been viewed in the past 30 days. I understand that stuff remains visible in Google search, but is there...

asked about 10 years ago

0 answers
0 votes
Create an invoice
I am trying to create an invoice. My customer wants 2 of an item. So do I just select the item she wants and then put the total in for 2. Do we get to see a preview of the invoice before it is sent? Thanks, Sharon Ok I got it to work but it...

asked about 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Why do i have a google feed for the uk?
I was checking my Google store feed to see what I needed to fix and found I have 2 account numbers....1 that actually IS mine and 1 for the UK! There's only 1 me, and nothing comes up for the UK number. Is there a reason for this?

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How do i cancel a purchase after the buyer wishes to cancel?
A Canadian buyer wished to purchase a Pyrex England bowl with lid. The offer came up without shipping. When I told him what shipping would be, he wanted to cancel. I had tried to get an accept to go with the stipulation that I needed to add shippi...

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
1 vote
What are your best tips for increasing sales on Bonanza?
How it can be ?? I have items from all categories with great prices but no views... Please advice.

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Very new & confused viewing when account is viewed & how viewed.
1. If I do a Google search on an item listed on eBay it come up, along with like items on Amazon, Zappo, Etsy and other vendor but not Bonanza nor FindIT. Why is that? 2. What is Findit? I see it but I can't find out the requirements to list. I ...

asked about 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
How can you get rid of the blue link that says "show item description and listing details" and show the description immediately?
Why has that step been added just to see the item description? Shouldn't it always be visible? For many types of items the description is more important than the "Item details" that are limited to drop down menus. For instance, I sell clothing a...

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Booth put on vacation automatically?
Does Bonz put a booth on vacation automatically if you haven't logged in in a while? I run two booths and one hasn't had sales or additions in a while, so I haven't had time to get into the account. I noticed today when I went to check on feed...

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Any html experts here? i need help.
Newbie here. Just signed on today. I have a simple, clean html template I use on ebay and another site. When I tried to use it on here and previewed my listing it simply showed all my coding. Can any one help? I tried writing support (was very imp...

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How can i change bonuser id?
I am very new less than 24 hours. Appreciate your help. Thanks Jeri

asked about 10 years ago

3 answers
1 vote
Why is "showing 0 products in (category)" when there are products?
I was shopping in another sellers booth and saw "Showing 0 products in "CLEARANCE"" and same on other categories. I assumed that there was nothing there since that heading shows right at the bottom of the screen. I scrolled down to see if I had ...

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
New item variations question
Hi all, Do the new variations only apply to certain categories, such as clothing? I'm really confused, as when I try to add a color variation to an item in a pet category, nothing happens. I can select "Many Colors" but then nothing... hitting ...

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How do i find if one of my items have been added to a hand picked list?
How do I find if one of my items have been added to a hand picked list?

asked about 10 years ago

5 answers
1 vote
Shoppers who view this item also viewed
Shoppers who viewed this item also [URL removed] Can I remove this section, it is showing other items in my booth, and is placed in my Item Detail area before the item description of the item I am selling, It is very distracting, I already have ...

asked about 10 years ago