Seller Community Forum

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2 answers
0 votes
How do i sell with a data download?
Hi, I've been selling here for over five years and I am now writing instructional booklets for crafts projects which I would like to be able to sell here. How do I sell an electronic file download which contains the booklet? I'd be really grate...

asked about 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Twitter account is locked
hello I need some help on contacting twitter my account has been locked, I looked for the email that they sent but it wasn't in my inbox or spam. Any help would be appreciated

asked about 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
How do you tweet your booth?
How do you tweet your booth? I see how I can tweet each item but how do you tweet your whole booth? Thanks!

asked about 10 years ago

3 answers
1 vote
Looking for some suggestiom
hi I was wondering if anyone can give me some suggestions on my booth I'm fairly new on this site and very new to online selling so any input would be really appreciated. ...thanks

asked about 10 years ago

8 answers
0 votes
How long is it on avg before you see regular traffic?
Im new to bonanza and was wondering whats the avg time before you start seeing a significant amount of traffic on your booth?

asked about 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
How to remove the wrong feedback
our customer want to left positive feedback, but he make a mistake, and chose a Negative feedback, please let us know how to update the feedback to positive feedback

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How can i locate another seller by her user id?
Thank you for your assistance.

asked about 10 years ago

4 answers
1 vote
How are folks handling large inventories?
I'm having a tough time finding a particular item in my inventory in order to end it. With ~3000 items, I'm basically lost w/o an item #. Also, am I missing something, or is there no way to search while in the "edit items" area? I so much want ...

asked about 10 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
How do i add a seller to my favorites or how do favor a booth
I see this on other sites "hand picked lists and favorite booths but i dont know how to do this in my booth can someone explain it to me. Thanks

asked about 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Background burner
I purchased some background burn credits awhile back and hadn't used them all. At that time, I could upload my photo and apply the burn immediately when I clicked the button. Now I have an hour wait until the photo can process? What's happened?

asked about 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Publishing items to ebay- can i pick just some items in my booth??
Hi, I just came back to Bonanza and was wondering if I can just pick a few items to put on Ebay or does the whole booth go up? I already have some of the items on Ebay and don't want to list them again. I tried to find the answer in the community ...

asked about 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
How many booths can you have?
I was wondering how many booths you can have on Bonanza? I was thinking about separating some of my stuff so it would be easier to offer freebies. I would like to keep books in a separate one because of using Media Mail. Thanks ahead of time! ...

asked about 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Sale not showing
Hi I received an email from paypal that I have sold an item, but this isn't showing on bonanza. How can this be?

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
New to bonanza
Hello there I'm new to Bonanza I have a few questions. 1. How do I link my paypal account to my bonanza account? 2. I have a question about the listing fee is it a fee per listing or is the fee once I sell the product?

asked about 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Copyright infringement
One of the sellers here is using my original artwork on their items to sell. This is blatant copyright infringement. To whom do I report this on the Bonanza website?

asked about 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How do i rearrange the listings?
Does anyone know how to set "Newest" as default, so that customers can see the "Newest" items first, rather than "Highest price" items?

asked about 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
My just listed item doesn't show in search listings
My just listed item doesn't show in search listings when I use words that are in the description - how does search work in Bonanza? does it even look at the description section? Do I just have to wait a while for the item to be "crawled" or whatev...

asked about 10 years ago

1 answers
1 vote
Watchlists and emailed searches
On Evilbay (gasp) I rely on watchlists and daily emailed search results to keep up with whats available that I may want to buy, I don't see any such facility on Bonanza. Am I missing something here?

asked about 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Items being sent to google not being done on a daily basis?
'Morning, everyone- "Items last sent to [URL removed] 04/23/2014"-it was doing it every day, now, it's almost a week since they've gone. I tried updating my booth, but nothing. Any ideas? And thanks in advance for the help!

asked about 10 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Shipping to a paypal unconfirmed address?
I'm excited that I sold something here! Only thing is that the Paypal address is unconfirmed. Paypal recommends to contact the buyer to make sure they placed the order. I did that but I have not gotten a reply. Has anyone run across any proble...

asked about 10 years ago